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Challenging Rescue On The Chilkoot Trail At Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

The Chilkoot Trail at Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park is one of the most challenging hikes anywhere in the country, and it's a tough place for a medical emergency. Last weekend, the Trail was the scene of the park's longest-ever litter transport and ground-based rescue.

Grand Teton National Park Foundation Lands $50,000 Grant To Help Connect College Students With National Parks

The Grand Teton National Park Foundation has landed a $50,000 grant to help underwrite its NPS Academy, a program that brings college students into Grand Teton National Park to build advocates for the parks and outdoors in general.

Op-Ed: Glacier National Park's New Wildlife Photography And Viewing Policy Is Unrealistic

Most people enjoy wildlife photography. In fact, the chance to see and maybe photograph wildlife is among the top reasons people go to Glacier National Park. Are you aware that there are new viewing rules in place that may surprise you? Today, wildlife viewing and wildlife photography may be a bit more challenging based on the stringency of the new rules.