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A Mammoth Walk Along Door County's Ice Age Trail Segment

Woolly stands resolutely in a tiny waterfront park near a pizzeria and historic steel bridge in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, posing for endless photos and subtly trying to encourage people to hike the Ice Age National Scenic Trail a few miles in one direction to the eastern terminus or almost 1,200 miles in the other direction to the western terminus on the Minnesota border.

Several Hundred Cuban Migrants Land At Dry Tortugas National Park

Approximately 300 migrants hoping to reach the United States by boat landed the past few days at Dry Tortugas National Park in Florida, where authorities plan to close the park Monday while law enforcement and medical personnel evaluate the individuals, provide care where necessary, and coordinate their transport to Key West.

Working With The Inuit, Parks Canada Resumes Franklin Wreck Research

Piliriqatigiingniq — the Inuit societal value or Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit (IQ) of working together for a common cause — was put into practice by Parks Canada and Inuit in Gjoa Haven with the resumption of research on the wreck of HMS Erebus. The field work continues to provide insights into the conditions of the wreck and its surrounding environment, and further advances understanding of the evolving story of the 1845 Franklin Expedition.