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Local Novelists To Help Lead First Smokies Park Writers Conference

The inaugural Tremont Writers Conference is the coordinated effort of two educational park partners, Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont and Great Smoky Mountains Association. Set on the lush, secluded Tremont campus, the event will immerse a small group of selected writers in an intensive retreat of brainstorming and fine-tuning their work while learning about nature and writing in small groups from Wednesday, October 25, through Sunday, October 29.

Photography In The National Parks: Capturing Atmospheric Phenomena

Chances are, during a national park visit, you’ve probably photographed – intentionally or accidentally – an interesting event involving the play of light known as an atmospheric phenomenon. This manifestation may show up as the subject of your composition, or perhaps as an accessory highlighting your subject.

UPDATE | Lawsuit Alleges Recreation.Gov Is Cluttered With "Junk Fees," Seeks Refunds

A lawsuit seeking class-action status alleges that, a national portal for accessing recreational activities on federal lands, is cluttered with unauthorized and possibly illegal “junk fees.
PDF icon recreation.gov_-_as_filed_complaint.pdf PDF icon delappe_declaration.pdf PDF icon kotab_ruling.pdf

Housing Needed For Mount Rainier National Park, Indiana Dunes National Park Seasonal Employees

Housing issues for National Park Service employees have been growing for some time now, in part due to the advent of Airbnb and VRBO being more lucrative for home owners than monthly rent. One park that has encountering housing issues is Mount Rainier National Park in Washington state, where officials are seeking housing for seasonal workers.

Wood Storks On The Road To Population Recovery

Long-legged and gangly, with oblong bodies, bald heads, and a long, curved bill, wood storks won't likely win any beauty contests. But they nevertheless are a poster child reflecting the success of the Endangered Species Act, as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is proposing that the species be removed from the list of threatened and endangered wildlife.