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Cruise Ships And Their Thousands Of Passengers Pose Problems For Acadia National Park

At Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, cruise ships negotiate the scenic bay for whale- and glacier watching, without disgorging their passengers on land. But in Maine, the arrival of the cruise ship industry with their thousands of disembarking passengers is posing a threat to Acadia National Park.

The Field Guide To Yellowstone And Grand Teton National Parks

How many times have you found yourself in a national park gazing at an animal track, a tree, or perhaps just an insect, and wondered what exactly you were looking at? Well, if your plans are taking you to Yellowstone or Grand Teton national parks, you might want to pick up a copy of A Field Guide To Yellowstone And Grand Teton National Parks.

Fall In The National Parks: A Kaleidoscope Of National Park Leaf-Peeping Drives

There is a magical quality to fall visits to Shenandoah National Park as mile after mile of trees blazing with vivid reds, oranges, and yellows come into view along Skyline Drive. In Rocky Mountain National Park, the aspen groves you see along the lower reaches of Trail Ridge Road turn so vividly gold in the fall that they take your breath away.

PEER Applauds Determination On Potential Wupatki National Monument Wilderness, Calls For Additional Wilderness Reviews

A decision by National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis that there are wilderness quality lands in Wupatki National Monument has spurred a request that the Park Service review nine other parks where it has in the past concluded no such lands existed.

Concerns Voiced Over Possible Gas Transmission Line Crossing Pinelands National Reserve

The pinelands of southern New Jersey are a quilt of farmlands, marshy areas, and, frankly, pine barrens. So biological rich is this region that in 1978 it was designated as a United States Biosphere Reserve, and Congress later established the country's first National Reserve across more than 1 million acres.

Cruise Ship Comes To Aid Of Tour Vessel At Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve

There's been some occasional debate about the appropriate number of large cruise ships in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, but the visitors aboard the daily tour boat Baranof Wind last Friday are probably glad the 1,260-passenger Statendam was in the area. Mechanical problems left the smaller vessel dead in the water in a remote area, but her passengers were safely carried back to port by the cruise ship.