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National Lakeshores Threatened by Non-native Species

Loons, mergansers, cormorants and other waterfowl are dying by the thousands in the Great Lakes due to an invasion of non-native species that are threatening to turn the lakes' ecosystem upside down. At Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes National Lakeshore even piping plovers, a threatened species, are dying.
Image icon Cornell Botulism info.pdf

U.S. Senator To Make Bid to Allow National Park Visitors to Carry Guns

Why would a doctor be determined to provide more access to guns in the country? U.S. Senator Thomas Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, will try to do that by introducing an amendment that would bar the Interior secretary from enforcing the current ban on carrying weapons in the parks.
Image icon CoburnGunAmendmentCAM08040_xml.pdf Image icon 02-01-08+multi-organization+firearms+letter.doc

‘Study Group’ Meets to Determine fate of Yellowstone National Park’s East Entrance

Yellowstone National Park officials met earlier this week with several representatives from Wyoming to discuss the options at their disposal for bombing snow-covered mountain slopes in our nation’s first national park. Why? To keep it clear of avalanche danger for the handful of snowmobiles and snowcoaches that enter the park through Sylvan Pass on the park’s east side each day during the winter season.

Strange Bedfellows: The National Park Service and the American Recreation Coalition

It's nice to have your cake and eat it too, isn't it? Of course it is. But it's not always appropriate, is it? Take the National Park Service. One of its main jobs is to preserve beautiful places. Can it adequately do that if it cozies up to industries that pollute those places?