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The Mountains-To-Sea Trail Across North Carolina, Walking A Thousand Miles Through Wildness, Culture And History

Not many new hiking trails arrive these years, so when a new one does surface, it's great to have a guide to help you plan a walk along it. What Danny Bernstein has done with The Mountains-to-Sea Trail Across North Carolina, is produce not a how-to book, but rather a why-to book.

$16 Million Campaign Launched To Rejuvenate Jenny Lake Area At Grand Teton National Park

With federal dollars increasingly scarce, friends groups are becoming more and more vital to national parks. An example of how valuable comes today from Grand Teton National Park, where a joint public-private partnership was announced to raise $16 million to rejuvenate the Jenny Lake area of the park.

"Blueprint" Calls For Balance Between Resource Development, Recreation, And The Environment On Public Lands

Is the country’s approach to public lands management balanced, or is it skewed toward resource development at the expense of the environment and recreation? A coalition of conservation groups believes it is skewed, and wants the Obama administration, and Congress, to provide that missing balance.