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GAOA Funds $27 Million In Repairs At Minute Man National Historical Park

Minute Man National Historical Park received approximately $27.4 million in project funds from the Great American Outdoors Act (GAOA) to address deferred maintenance and repair needs for the park’s buildings, structures, landscape, trails, signage, and monuments in order to improve the visitor experience.

Photography In The National Parks: The Invitation Of An Intimate Composition

How many times have you viewed someone’s national park images and one shot in particular pulled you into the composition? This shot invited you in. This is the power of an intimate composition. Traveler contributing photographer Rebecca Latson explains the photographic elements of this type of composition.

Lassen Volcanic National Park Transitioning To Cashless System

Add Lassen Volcanic National Park to the list units wtihin the National Park System going cashless. Beginning May 1, 2023, Lassen will transition to a fully cashless fee system and only accept mobile or electronic payments for entrance and permit fees. Acceptable forms of payment will include credit and debit cards as well payment apps on mobile devices.

Avian Influenza Confirmed As Cause Of Three Condor Mortalities In Arizona

Avian Influenza has been confirmed as the cause of mortality for three California condors found in northern Arizona. The Arizona-Utah population moves throughout northern Arizona and southern Utah, using the landscape within Grand Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, Vermillion Cliffs National Monument, the Kaibab Plateau, and surrounding areas.