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Meanwhile, Back at the NPS....


Published Date

February 14, 2006

    I hate it when work gets in the way of things. That's where I've been the past few days. Working at my day job. But now I'm hoping to get back into the routine of tracking life in the National Park Service.
    If you haven't been paying attention, this is a pretty big week for the NPS. This Saturday marks the end of the latest public comment period on the proposed revisions to the Management Policies. I'll address that more fully on Thursday.
    For now, though, here's a calendar item: Congressman Steven Pearce of New Mexico is bringing his House subcommittee on parks back to order tomorrow, the 15th, to discuss the Management Policies as well as Director's Order 21, which pertains to sponsorships in the parks.

    Rep. Pearce, you might recall, held a hearing back in December to take testimony on both the Management Policies and the National Park Service Organic Act, which directs the NPS to put preservation of park resources above all else.
    The Republican left that meeting unsure of where he would head next, and perhaps tomorrow's hearing will reveal what direction he'll take. Unfortunately, I won't be able to listen in, so if anyone out there catches any details, please share them with me at [email protected]. I do know that former NPS managers Deny Galvin and Bill Wade will be delivering testimony that probably will urge the subcommittee not to do anything with the Organic Act and to tell the Park Service not to tinker with the Management Policies.

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