OK folks, let's have some fun. Let's see how many open-minded folks are out there, folks who believe in freedom of speech and who enjoy hearing different viewpoints, even if they don't accept another's point of view.
Since much of the uproar over the past week or so was kindled not merely by PEER's declaration that interpretive rangers at the Grand Canyon were being muzzled when talk turned to the geologic age of the chasm but really rather by the continued appearance of Tom Vail's Book, Grand Canyon: A Different View, in park bookstores, let's be democratic about things and take a poll on whether the book belongs there.
To get things started, if you click here you can read Tom's explanation for the book. Click here and you'll find a review of the book posted on the National Center for Science Education's web site.
And please, no ballot stuffing by the likes of "Scientific Theorist" or "Scholar" or whatever nom de plume he's using today.
I know I'm taking a risk here by expecting a little civility, but I would hope folks could launch a constructive discussion rather than jumping on somebody just because they have a different point of view. The poll will run until next Wednesday.
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