Bring up Apostle Islands National Lakeshore during a conversation about vacations, and most folks will assume you're talking about the summer months. I mean, c'mon, the shimmering waters of Lake Superior, windswept beaches, islands you can string together like pearls during a kayak or canoe trip?
And, frankly, if you're going to travel far for your vacation, Apostle Islands nine times out of ten would be a summer destination. But if you live in the immediate vicinity of this Wisconsin jewel, you might want to consider a trip to the lakeshore soon so you can check out the Mawikwe Sea Caves.
During the summer these caves can only be accessed by boat, but when winter turns cold -- as it has this year -- the sea caves are transformed into the ice caves. Here's how the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees described the caves last fall when listing its favorite winter travel destinations in the park system:
Icy curtains cover walls of red sandstone, frozen pillars mark where
waterfalls tumbled from cliff tops and dagger-shaped icicles rise at
odd angles from the roofs of sea caves. Wintertime magically transforms
the Lake Superior shoreline at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore into
a frozen fairyland. The lake surface along the park’s 12 miles of
mainland shoreline may be covered with ice for some or all of the
period from late January to early April. If the lake ice is thick
enough, visitors can park their cars near Meyers Beach (about four
miles northeast of Cornucopia, Wisconsin) and then walk, snowshoe, or ski
about a mile along the shoreline to the park’s mainland sea caves. When
conditions are right, several hundred people a day may
flock to the
area to photograph the varicolored ice formations and crawl into icy
recesses that place them in the heart of the winter. Visitors must use
caution, however. Warm clothing is a must. Keep in mind that walking on
ice can be very dangerous. Wear sturdy boots, carry a ski pole or
walking stick, beware of falling ice, and watch for newly formed cracks
or soft spots in the ice. Ice conditions can change rapidly, especially
on windy days. People planning a winter trip to visit the sea caves
should call the Apostle Islands Ice Line at (715) 779-3397 ext. 3, for
information on current ice conditions.
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