Uh-oh. Looks like the green George is trying to shroud himself in with his National Park Centennial Initiative is going to turn into a pretty shabby patina.
After all, did you hear what Representative Dave Obey told Mary the other day when discussing the initiative?
"I regard it more as a press release than a serious program," said Dave.
That's quite a comment from the Democrat from Wisconsin who chairs the House Appropriations Committee and so just might know a thing or two about how soon the initiative should be placed on life support.
"He's not going to get this bill without a radically different way to pay for this initiative," Rep. Obey told Mary during a hearing into the Park Service's proposed FY08 budget.
As I noted earlier this month, the administration has been pretty non-committal when pressed about exactly how it would fund the $3 billion program.
But, as Congressman Obey pointed out during the hearing, as reported by Greenwire, administration plans to use cuts to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Forest Service, and the Land and Water Conservation Fund to underwrite it just won't fly.
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