As the latest decision on permitting snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park draws to conclusion, the question of the impact that decision will have comes up. To those closely following the issue, the National Park Service's stance could have devastating effects across not just the park system, but over all public lands.
Yellowstone long has been considered by many as the crown jewel in the national park system because it is the world's first national park. Such a position leads many to hold Yellowstone up as the gold standard when talk turns to conserving resources and preserving landscapes. As a result, the thinking goes that if the Park Service doesn't take the extra step to preserve that incredible national park, how will it manage lesser-known wonders?
At issue is Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis's decision to support a plan that would allow up to 540 snowmobiles per day in Yellowstone beginning with the winter of 2008-09. That's up from the current three-year average of roughly 250 snowmobiles, but down from the previous ceiling of 720 snowmobiles per day.
Those who support phasing snowmobiles out of the park contend that decision was made possible only by a "tweaking" of resource standards by Yellowstone planners. Not only has the decision spurred questions about whether the Park Service is properly interpreting the National Environmental Policy Act, which "requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision-making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions," but also whether the agency is meeting the letter of its own Management Policies.
"Now what's appalling about this decision is the only way they could get to 540 was to water down the park protection standards that go along with this," Don Barry, an assistant Interior secretary for fish and wildlife and parks under the Clinton administration, told the Association of National Park Rangers during its annual conference in Utah last month. "And the worst offense of all, they watered down the ones for wildlife harassment, for air protection, and noise. And the worst of all was what they did with the noise protection standards. They redefined in that EIS what a major impact on the soundscape was for Yellowstone National Park because of snowmoibling.
"And they defined the new standard of what a major impact was to require that the noise be heard over 20 percent of the entire park. Now you could have an atomic fart and you would not hear it, you would not hear it over 20 percent of the national park. But that's what they had to do in order to justify and to authorize 540 snowmoibles a day."
Yellowstone officials seemingly have developed a thick skin in discussing the snowmobile decision. When asked whether park planners altered some of their resource standards to help justify Superintendent Lewis's decision, spokesman Al Nash did not specifically address that question but instead spoke of the park's efforts to maintain high environmental standards in the park while allowing "a range of appropriate winter recreation opportunities..."
"The NPS Management Policies of 2006 require analysis of potential effects to determine whether actions would impair park resources or cause unacceptable impacts. The revised preferred alternative does not constitute impairment of or unacceptable impacts to park resources," Mr. Nash said. "In fact, all alternatives contained in the Final EIS are in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, and the 2006 National Park Service Management Policies."
Not everyone agrees with Yellowstone's position. Indeed, conservationists believe the snowmobile lobby, not science, guided the park's decision. And they fear that not only will the entire national park system suffer if the preferred alternative is allowed to stand but all public lands managed by the federal government because politics, not science, prevailed.
"I believe that allowing snowmobiles in Yellowstone violates the (National Park Service) Organic Act and the Management Policies because the science shows they cause adverse impacts," said Elizabeth Fayad, general counsel for the National Parks Conservation Association. "I believe that if NPS is allowed to make decisions that are contrary to what the science shows, and that is OK under NEPA, other agencies will also be aggressive in reaching conclusions that say they have considered everything in the record but the decision is one that is contrary to the science."
As an example, Ms. Fayad pointed to the ongoing differences some conservation groups have with the Park Service's position to allow personal watercraft in the waters of some national seashores and lakeshores.
"Personal watercraft have been found to have adverse impacts in some parks and I suppose all those uses would be allowed," she said. "Many times proposed uses in parks are found to be inappropriate but there is no finding of adverse impact. Since inappropriate is a lesser finding than adverse impact, would all those uses be permitted? This is part of the (Bush) Administration's attempts to find that the parks' purpose of preserving resources for future generations is not the primary goal of the system--that recreation is considered an equal goal."
Just as closely following the Yellowstone snowmobile saga, which has cost the Park Service roughly $10 million in environmental impact statements and environmental assessments, is Kristen Brengel, The Wilderness Society's point person not just on snowmobiles in Yellowstone but also on off-road vehicle matters.
"I think it is accurate to say the ripple effects would be felt beyond the Yellowstone region and park system," Ms. Brengel said. "In the last year, the (U.S.) Forest Service began to implement its new travel planning regulations. The new regulations address summer uses like ATVs and dirt bikes not winter uses.
"If a forest or ranger district chooses to, they can zone for snowmobile use under those regulations," she continued. "It is no secret that the Forest Service is not pushing its employees to take on winter travel planning. The main reason – Yellowstone."
If the Yellowstone snowmobile decision stands, Ms. Brengel fears what might transpire on lands managed both by the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
"Since 2001, Congress has put over $300 million into BLM resource management planning including travel planning. Many travel plans for National Monuments and wilderness-quality lands in Utah are terrible – the plans favor the off-road vehicle industry and community by allowing a spider web of roads and routes all over these places," she pointed out. "If Yellowstone doesn’t have the spine to stand up to the industry, will the BLM? If Yellowstone mangles up NEPA, doesn’t that provide a blueprint for other agencies?
"This could be a terrible precedent – coming from someone who works on travel planning with all of the land management agencies."
The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees has been a tireless opponent of snowmobiles in Yellowstone, working hard to convince Park Service managers that the noise and pollution produced by snowmobiles are not compatible with Yellowstone's landscape. Bill Wade, who chairs the group's Executive Council, worries about the downstream ramifications of Superintendent Lewis's position.
"We’ve said a number of times that this issue will be a major precedent in other areas of the national park system in terms of how the Management Policies will be interpreted and implemented, not only because this is probably the first major test of the MPs but also because of the stature of Yellowstone," said Mr. Wade.
Closer to Yellowstone, at the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, national parks program director Amy McNamara believes the general public should demand that the Park Service follow the recommendations of its scientists.
"Rightfully so, Yellowstone is seen as a bellwether for this country's national park system. As America's first national park and the heart of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Yellowstone is viewed as a crown jewel of the National Park System," she said. "If the Park Service is unable to make science-based decisions that prevent resource impairment in Yellowstone, what chance do parks like Big Bend or the Badlands have for science-based management?
"Yellowstone has the largest team of biologists and natural resource staff of any park in the country...the public should be outraged that the recommendations of the Park Service's own experts are being ignored."
My, my Anonymous, Bush and Cheney sure are powerful...they create hurricanes, kill small certainly have a lot of hate in your heart my man! Why are so many liberals so unhinged over Bush and Cheney? Who are ya gonna hate when they leave office?
Clinton an enviro president? You have to be kidding...what did he do?
"Rape and pillage" are pretty strong words...maybe you ought to say the same for mother nature, who has far more destructive abilities AKA Katrina...etc., etc.
Backroom deals...hmmm...wonder how many deals your man Algore made with the Chinese.
I'll let ya in on a little secret...the planet is NOT dying. The planet is actually quite healthy. I know, I know, that throws ya into a panic...all those enviro doom and gloomers are gonna be out of enviros won't have anything to *itch about.
The real agenda of the UN and other socialists is to bring this great nation down to the third-world level of prosperity by taxing anything that they think pollutes. Do you drive a car? How would ya like to start paying taxes for every mile you drive?
BTW, we are winning the war...(actually Iraq is just one battle in the War on Terror)...the surge IS working...oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that any good news about America just really depresses ya! LOL.
Dr. Gerald
Oh, my god! It's Dr. Gerald again...Mr. Ph.D.!. Not hate my man, but fire in the belly for riddance of the Bush & Cheney regime and their pack of liars. I don't hate anyone, but I do despise this administration for it's lack of truthfulness and integrity to the American people. When it comes to the National Parks and land ethics, I don't see how anyone can ignore the fact this administration could careless what you and I think about it's future...unless it represents rape, pillage and greed. Believe me, this is exactly what Mr. Cheney has in mind for the future of the National Parks, sell it off to the oil and gas companies....suck it for all it's worth! I don't hate Mr. Bush or Mr. Cheney, they just aren't my friends (thank god). Gerald, yes I do drive and I'm in the green business as a horticultrist, and know what the Iraq war is doing to this's tearing it's soul apart. It's not the War on Terror that I'm deeply concerned about, but the fear mongering this administration tries too instill in the American people. I remember the slogan that this administration put forth not so long ago: it's called fear and smear! Nope! it won't work this time around in 2008. Vote for Obama in 08! I say to you Mr. Ph.D. in ending, "plant more trees and less bush". Happy Thanksgiving!
I don't think that the Bush administration coined the phrase "Fear and Smear". It may have origionated with ties to the DNC and was shoved down the American peoples throats by the media. I can't recall Clinton doing anything environmentally significant outside of his last 60 days in office. What he did then was to place a political thorn for the Republicans...probably not environmentaly motivated.
The fact that snowmobiles are being argued in Yellowstone lends to the fact that something is being done by somebody, agree with the results or not it is action. Action is something that did not take place for several decades prior. That leaves plenty of room to blame all sides Republicans and Democrats and NPS leadership for doing nothing.
I give thanks today for the opportunity to work for the NPS...even with politics and ignorance it is an awesome thing
Excuse me anonymous, Bill Clinton did plenty for the National Parks and the environment, by far allot more then Bush, such as the:Implementation of the Executive Order 12898 for Environmental Justice, signs into law to protect the Escalante Canyons in Utah as a designated National Monument in1996, outlines a initative for quieter flights (noise abatement) over the Grand Canyon, signs the Oklahoma Memorial Act of 1997, and the establishment of the Sequoia National Forest Monument in 2000 (and something that Bush tried to destroy) and the signing of the Black Canyon as a National Park in 1999...just a few environmental accomplishments by the former President. I think by far, a more impressive record than Bush on the National Parks...and far more "environmentally significant"! You can fact check this on Clinton's record, because there's more to suggest that his record on the environment speaks well for it's self. Lack of action on the snowmobile issue in Yellowstone National Park, I agree has plenty of blame to go around from both parties. But, to exploit it like the Bush & Cheney administration has, and for the soul purpose of greed, is mind boggling.
Having been to Yellowstone several times - once in the winter. I can from first hand experience say that the pollution from snowmobiles is minute at worst and non-existant at best. Pollution from cars in the summer is much more severe.
The animals are not even fazed by slow moving snowmobiles.
The restrictions now are the best compromise between the public use and radical restrictors.
Why not be honest and just say, there should not be any people in Yellowstone ever! That is what you really want - well except for the radical restrictors.