Grand Canyon National Park rangers recovered a young man's body Friday and were continuing efforts to find two other men missing since Thursday morning after the three jumped into the Colorado River near Phantom Ranch.
Officials said the body was found shortly after noon Friday approximately one mile down river from Boat Beach in an eddy on river right. Rangers responded to the area and conducted a search by zodiac after receiving a report from a long-term volunteer at Phantom Ranch indicating he had seen something in the water.
Search efforts continue for the other two young men. Those efforts include boat operations from Boat Beach to Hermit Rapid (river mile 95), a search dog and its handler searching from Boat Beach to Silver Bridge on both sides of the river, and ranger patrols on the River Trail above the river.
According to information from the park,
At approximately 8:45 a.m. on Thursday, April 30, the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received two separate reports of three individuals who had jumped into the river near the Black Bridge across from Boat Beach. They were last seen being swept down river below Boat Beach, which is near Phantom Ranch. Currents are swift in this area; and water temperatures are 52 degrees Fahrenheit. It was reported by other members of their party that none of these individuals were wearing personal flotation devices.
UPDATE: The most recent news release from the park, on May 4, states that the two missing men have not been found, and a scaled back search effort is continuing.
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