If you're planning to head on down the Blue Ridge Parkway from end-to-end this leaf season, you better read the following regarding road closures and detours.
Milepost 269.8 - 280.9 - Blowing Rock Area
Roadway fill repair at Milepost 270.3 will close the Parkway until November 2009.
For southbound traffic, exit the Parkway at Phillips Gap (Milepost 269.8) to Phillips Gap Road (NC 1168) to Idlewild Road (NC 1003) to US 221 south to US 421 south back to the Parkway at Deep Gap (Milepost 276.4).
For northbound traffic, exit the Parkway at Parkway School (Milepost 280.9) to Old US 421 south to New US 421 south to US 221 north to Idlewild Road (NC 1003) to Phillips Gap Road (NC 1168) back to the Parkway at Phillips Gap (Milepost 269.8).
Milepost 393.6 - 405.5 - Asheville Area
Due to heavy rains, engineers determined that a high risk of slides existed in the area, necessitating this emergency closure. The closure will be in place until further notice. Pisgah Inn remains open and accessible from US Highway 276 at Wagon Road Gap.
For southbound traffic from the Asheville area, take NC Route 191, NC Route 280, and US Route 276 to the Parkway.
For southbound traffic near the Mt. Pisgah area, take US Route 276, NC Route 280, and NC Route 191 to the Parkway.
Other construction areas to be aware of...
Some short construction delays of 10-15 minutes or one-lane traffic may occur at the following areas ... Milepost 121-136 in the Roanoke area, Milepost 359-375 north of Asheville, and Milepost 401 near Mount Pisgah.
It can not be emphasized to much - CALL BEFORE LEAVING. Yesterday, Oct 20, 2009, we left our home in Swananoa, NC and headed for rt 276 and up to the parkway. The south bound was closed due to weather related conditions. It seems that our frosty mornings have created some rather icy patches on the road at the higher elevations. We still had a nice drive but we were unable to visit the Graveyard Fields. Our out of town guest were understandably disappointed.
Who do you call? I mean what number?
Park info, including road updates, can be had at: (828) 298 0398