With winter not too far off, the marker buoys will soon be coming down at Voyageurs National Park. And that means if you're hunting in the area, you better know where the park is.
Beginning October 3, park crews will begin removing hazard markers and regulatory buoys maintained by the park.
In addition, park officials want to remind hunters that hunting and trapping of any type or manner are prohibited on national park lands and all waters within the boundary of the park. Park rangers enforce the hunting and trapping prohibition under federal regulations, which carry a maximum penalty up to $10,000 and/or 6 months in jail for misdemeanor violations and $20,000 and/or 5 years in jail with forfeiture of hunting equipment for felony violations.
Although most park boundaries are not posted, it is the responsibility of the hunter to know his/her location. Maps depicting the park boundary and area information are available on visitor center bulletin boards, at park headquarters (218-283-6600), through the Rainy Lake District Ranger at 218-286-5258 or the Namakan District Ranger at 218-875-2116.
If you have any questions, it's recommended that you contact a park ranger in advance of your planned hunting activities near Voyageurs National Park.
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