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Updated: Drilling Rig Disaster Could Send Oil Spill Into Gulf Islands National Seashore


Published Date

April 22, 2010

A weather forecast predicts that oil from a drilling rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico could coat portions of the Gulf Islands National Seashore coastline. graphic.

An oil spill from the sinking of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico could wash ashore in the coming days at Gulf Islands National Seashore, according to a forecast from meteorologists predicted the ocean current in the Gulf of Mexico will switch to a southerly direction and could push "oil on the surface of the ocean towards the southeastern U.S. coastline."

Gulf Islands officials were watching the developing situation but had not taken any precautions as of Thursday evening.

“We are monitoring real close, and we’re ready to act if it appears there’s going to be an environmental threat, but there aren’t any indications at this time of any imminent threat," said Chief Ranger Clay Jordon.

The National Park Service was staying in contact with both the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The NOAA forecast said "the oil should remain offshore for at least three days; however, inclement weather forecast for 23-25 Apr will impact response and recovery operations."

As of midday Thursday, the Gulf of Mexico current was taking oil from the sunken rig away from land, but meteorologists expect the current to change course as a storm from the Rockies begins to move towards the Mississippi Valley, said in a release.

"Surface oil washing upon beaches in Louisiana and Mississippi could be devastating for life along the coast," the company said.

While portions of Gulf Islands National Seashore are nesting grounds for four species of sea turtles, Chief Jordan said the nesting season typically doesn't arrive in earnest until June and July.


Being from Jersey, I'm pretty good at sensing sarcasm, which is what your comment amounts to, right James?

What gets me is that in todays technological age we still have to go and get submarines to have shut off valves on the bottom of these things. Why have they not found a way to close the well. All wells should have some backup system if not having a 3rd backup. Ex. having a hardwired cutoff valve near the bottom and if that were to fail having an easy way to send something, or having a computer program with sensor that could cut the well off....

Conservatives!?!?!?! It's their (your) fault we're in this slimy mess. I've got a better drilling method for you. It's called a frontal lobotomy. Too bad it will be empty like every other conservatives head. This oil rig is a prime example why we should have another civil war. Conservatives should not be part of my country.

Just because George W Bush stopped drilling in the Gulf when in office and Joe Scarborough killed a bill to allow drilling the Gulf doesn't mean that it's our fault. I'm a life long Republican and didn't vote for Obama but now that he's in office we get an oil spill. DO THE MATH!!!

To the ones fussing about McCain, Sara, and the republican, I just heard today (Wed. 28 2010) that Obama made a speech on March 31st that he wants and has planned on more offshore drilling. See the video for yourself. here~~~>

I'm so tired of everyone blaming each other. Blaming Mccain, Blaming republicans, blaming Sara, Blaming conservatives, Blaming everyone but themselves. We are all GUILTY! All plastics are made out of oil. I'm sure everyone here today had used something made out of plastic today. We all drive. We all use electricity. We all travel. I'm sure your not on horseback when you travel! So Everyone needs to shut the hell up and blame themselves. I live near the gulf coast and I'm pissed because our beautiful white sandy beaches are being threatened and wildlife is being threatened and also our seafood. Most people bitching about the republican don't have to worry about all this. I can give a rat's ass about Republican, Tea parties, Democrats and what other parties are out there. We are all in this together as humans living in a country call America. Instead of blaming and finger pointing, why don't you get off your ass. Go to school. and lets invent something new. Let's change the world. Lets think in ways we have never thought before about energy, movement and technology. I am trying myself. For us, our kids, the human race.

A young teenager came up to a old man and said, "We have cell phones, Video games, Lap tops, Ipods, All kinds of Gadgets and Awesome cars. You old guys all had none of this stuff."
The old man replied, "Your right. We did not have any of those cool things, But we invented them. What will you invent for your kids?"

"I'm a life long Republican and didn't vote for Obama but now that he's in office we get an oil spill. DO THE MATH!!!"

The math would appear to be that you are mathematically incapable of not blaming Obama?

"I'm so tired of everyone blaming each other. Blaming Mccain, Blaming republicans, blaming Sara, Blaming conservatives, Blaming everyone but themselves. We are all GUILTY!"

I can tell you one thing, i wasn't on that damn rig so i had nothing to do with it. I'm Not Guilty! Not to mention I barely use any oil in my car. maybe an oil change here or there, so I damn sure had nothing to do with it.

One of the first things Saint Ronnie Reagan did upon assuming office was remove the solar panels from the W.H. and eliminate the programs that helped fund solar energy research as well as the subsidies for people to install solar panels. It is the Repubs who are joined at the hip to Exxon and have backed their campaign to deny the science behind global warming. It is the conservatives who have consistently screamed for more drilling. Conservatives, bought and paid for by big oil, run the legislatures of Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana and Alabama and welcomed with open arms oil rigs off their coasts. Conservatives are the ones who consistently ridicule any attempt to wean ourselves from oil or to prevent drilling near our shores. Republicans have always been consistent and reliable water boys for big oil.

Yes, Obama is a spineless wimp and far too concerned with "bi-partisanship". He needs to tell the Republicans to go pound salt. They have nothing to contribute but obfuscation and obstruction. But the vast majority of the blame for our continued dependence on oil, and our inefficient and dirty use of it lies squarely with the Republicans.

I've lived in Florida for 50 years and it's been a perpetual battle with Republicans to keep drilling rigs away from our shores. What little support that has come from Republicans has been been solely attributable to the fact that so many of them are owned by the tourist industry lobby. The few Florida Republicans who oppose drilling in the Gulf near our shores have done it not out of any environmental concern, but strictly as a cost/benefit calculation for the benefit of the tourism industry. If these Fla. Republicans were in the aforementioned Gulf States, they would all be chanting "drill baby drill" just like their counterparts in Mississippi, et. al.

Who is it that constantly ridicules "environmental-whackos"? Who fights increased fuel efficiency standards every time they're brought up? Who propagandizes against alternative fuels and environmental protections as "burdensome" or "too costly" or "unrealistic". Here's a clue; Conservatives. Conservatives are only interested in conserving the wealth of the wealthy and the power of the powerful. Even the name that supposedly characterizes them is a fraud. There is no longer any conservation ethic in conservatives. There hasn't been for at least 30 years. Teddy Roosevelt would be spinning in his grave.

Are some Democrats complicit in this? Sure, there are a few whores in any party. But the vast bulk of the responsibility lies with the free-market fundamentalist bootlickers and oil whores in the Republican Party.
So, you posters who insist on trying to draw false equivalencies can just clam up. Drawing false equivalencies regarding all sorts of issues has become a favored M.O. with wingnuts, encouraged by the propagandists on right-wing radio and Faux News, for too long now.

If I hear another defense of indefensible Republican behavior that rests upon that ridiculous refrain "both parties do it" one more time, to quote your favorite wingnut, my head will explode.

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