With roads in Grand Teton National Park opening this week for the summer season, it'll be easier to navigate the park than in winter. But...there are some road projects on tap that could slow your travels. Here's the latest list from the park.
Of note, the access road leading to the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve from the Moose-Wilson Road, as well as the parking lot, will remain closed to public entry until the gravel surfaces can sufficiently dry and harden to handle vehicles. Parking along the Moose-Wilson Road within a mile of the preserve entrance gate is not allowed, so hikers wishing to reach preserve trails will need to temporarily use the parking area for Granite
Canyon trailhead.The multi-phase North Park Road project from Lizard Creek Campground to Flagg Ranch Resort will begin again, resulting in 30-minute delays weekdays through July 15. There may be some weekend work taking place on this road project.
An asphalt overlay project on the Teton Park Road from Jackson Lake Junction to North Jenny Lake Junction has already begun and delays of up to 30 minutes are expected from mid-May through the month of August. The Signal Mountain boat ramp and access road will also receive an asphalt overlay, resulting in 30-minute delays through the month of August.
The five-mile Signal Mountain Summit Road will be closed for road work from Monday through Thursday—but open to vehicles on Friday, Saturday and Sunday—during the month of June.
When weather permits during May, and continuing through early June, Highway 26/89/191 will be striped from the park’s south boundary to Cunningham Cabin. All other roads and parking areas in the southern portion of the park, including South Jenny Lake parking area, will also be striped during this time. In addition, the Snake River Bridge at Moose will be painted during May and early June. These road and bridge projects might cause
15-minute delays for traffic.Finally, the Antelope Flats Road from Highway 26/89/191 to Mormon Row Road will receive an asphalt overlay in late July, resulting in 15-minute delays.
For road construction updates throughout the summer, please phone the road information hotline at 307-739-3614. Information on Yellowstone road conditions is available at 307-344-2117.
For park information or additional road updates, please call the Craig Thomas Discovery and Visitor Center at 307-739-3399 or the Colter Bay Visitor Center at 307-739-3594 (after May 8).
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