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Glacier National Park Fund Distributes Nearly $200,000 For Park Projects


Published Date

November 4, 2010

Swift Current Lake in the Many Glacier area of Glacier National Park. Kurt Repanshek photo.

A dozen projects ranging from winter ecology programming to connecting kids with nature in Glacier National Park are sharing nearly $200,000 in funds from the Glacier National Park Fund.

The $193,430 comes from the non-profit's unrestricted funds -- money collected from specialty license plate sales and donated annually by individuals and groups who leave it up to the fund to decide how best to spend the money. Four of the 12 grants awarded are in the Discover Glacier category:

• Support Winter Ecology School Program Interns

• Reconnecting Children with Nature Workbooks & Workshops

• Update “Workhouse” Science & Indian Teacher Guide

• Two Medicine & Many Glacier “e-Tours”

These programs are designed and intended to help school children and young adults within the reach of the Internet to discover and explore Glacier's natural world while also learning the importance of protecting it.

The Reconnecting Children with Nature program focuses on locally traditionally under-served youth and their families in order to encourage and teach them to how to experience the great outdoors – while also creating a workbook that will be provided free to anyone anywhere who works with youth and wants to get them outside to engage with nature. E-tours have become a great learning tool that can reach beyond local and regional boundaries. Glacier National Park’s management team has selected the Two Medicine Valley and the Many Glacier Valley to be the first to be showcased by this educational format.

“We are very excited to be able to support Glacier’s ever changing and expanding educational needs," said Jane Ratzlaff, the fund's executive director. "An investment in Glacier National Park is an investment in a place that will foster future generations of park supporters and help them understand the important of nature and all that it has to offer. A big thank you goes to all of our wonderful donors who made these grants possible.”

The Glacier National Park Fund is the official non-profit fund-raising partner for Glacier National Park. Its mission is to preserve and protect the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the park for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. For further information call 406-892-3250 or go to

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