Though the annual wildflower festival at Cedar Breaks National Monument is months away, officials are searching for a poster design to promote this year's festival.
The chosen artwork will be used on posters advertising the Sixth Annual Wildflower Festival and be available in limited numbers, for a cash donation, at the Cedar Breaks Visitor Center.
The Cedar Breaks National Monument Wildflower Festival is an annual event that takes place each July. This year’s festival will be celebrated from July 1st to the 17th. Activities at the festival include guided wildflower walks, Junior Ranger scavenger hunts, wildflower photography classes, and guided hikes with rangers.
The winner of the poster competition will have their artwork reproduced on this year’s collectible poster and on the Cedar Breaks website. Deadline for submissions is April 15. There is a $100 cash prize for the winning entry. Acceptable forms of artwork include: photograph, watercolor, acrylic, oil, 3D sculpture or installation art.
Artwork should represent wildflowers found in and around the Cedar Breaks National Monument. Entries need to be photographed and submitted on a CD-R readable by any Windows XP operating system. Please do not send your actual work of art.
For more information, a submission form, and a consent form, visit this page.
Are there any available prints of the 2009 wildflower poster? I believe it was of Indian Paintbrush...