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Reader Participation Day: What If You Could Wave a Magic Wand?


Published Date

August 10, 2011

As any wizard will tell you, a wand is an essential tool for channeling magical powers.  Alas; the  light-up wands that Harry Potter fans buy for about 40 bucks make fine collectibles, but they're duds. Suppose, however, that you were able to get your hands on the real thing. And suppose the user's manual specified that you could use it only once for the express purpose of helping America's national parks. What would you cause to happen for the benefit of the National Park System with that one wave of your magic wand?  


Eliminate the "lock" Xanterra has on the Grand Canyon.  Maybe then can there be progress inside the corporation, benefiting everyone.

I like this idea, Owen!

Xanterra did lose out on the Grand Canyon North Rim operations.

That's true, y p w, ar North Rim.  They have over $250+ Million in equity in South Rim Facilities that has to be mitigated for the threat of a new concessionaire challenging the status quo.  Not apparent that Xanterra could/would transform it's operational model in the Park without direction from above.  Of course their degree of ability to profit could be reduced administratively.

I would use it to make sure the parks are open to ALL Americans not just those who want to see wilderness take over everything. 

Reintroduction of extirpated species, more designated wilderness, a Maine Woods National Park . . . --and higher ranger salaries.

I agree with the increase of Ranger salaries by tapping the SES pay and benefits which are on par with the Congress benefit package (look what that's got us).  The Rangers are the real face of NPS.  Let the SES pay homage as something that would help mitigate the character mistakes that have besmirched the image of those that deal one on one with the citizens.  

1)  Clean up the leadership and management mess; which is the NPS

2) Teach NPS values, mission and service – restart the Ranger Skills training program – if you teach your largest and most visible job series agency values, they will act accordingly and the agency will get back on track

3) Communicate a vision for the parks, the system and the agency – stand up for your values and do not compromise resources for political considerations

4) Market the iconic image of the National Park Ranger like Canada does with the Mounties; making it synonymous with the National Parks, selfless service and honorable stewardship

5)  Hire people who demonstrate a resource ethic, who are passionate about the mission of the NPS and possess real outdoor skill – no more ranger posers

6)  Commit to and enforce professional uniform standards; implement ranger weight loss / fitness programs – immediately – make those rangers wear their flat hats; correctly

7)  Explain to the rangers who they are and what is expected; resolve their confusion regarding resource, protection and interpretation responsibilities – get rid of the ones who do not understand why the NPS ranger is different from a standard emergency service / law enforcement position

8) Remove personal vehicles from Yosemite Valley during the summer months

9) Implement a bold initiative for land acquisition, including new and large wild land parks, round out boundaries and purchase in holding properties

10) Extend the southern Yellowstone boundary to include the entire thoroughfare drainage, remove snowmobiles from its interior and stop killing Bison for non-biological reasons

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