You can start planning: National Park Week will fall April 21-29 this year, with activities planned throughout the National Park System.
The theme of this year's celebration is "Picture Yourself in a National Park.”
National parks will mark the annual celebration with special events and activities including Volunteer Day on April 21, Earth Day on April 22, and Junior Ranger Day on April 28. From ranger-led hikes and kayak trips to camping and exploring, park visitors can plan their National Park Week at this web page. On that site you can discover information about events, special activities for visitors of all ages, how to share your park adventure with other travelers, and how to support the parks.
“America’s national parks have something for everyone,” said Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “Take a break and experience something new, enjoy some fresh air, get some exercise, and see where history happened. And, since admission is free to all 397 parks, all week long, National Park Week is a great time to get up, get out, and explore a park.”
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