Just ahead of the Memorial Day Weekend, the traditional kickoff to summer, a Democratic congressman has released a report pointing to how the budget sequestration has impacted the National Park System, citing reduced search-and-rescue capabilities in some parks to dirtier restrooms in others.
"Because of recent sequester cuts ... parks are closing or delaying the opening of roads, campgrounds and facilities, reducing their hours of operation and visitor services, and deferring or forgoing maintenance, all of which threatens to reduce the number of visitors who spend money in nearby communities," reads the report issued today by U.S. Rep. Ed Markey, D-Mass., the ranking Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee. "Simply put, America’s best idea is under attack by America’s worst idea."
Park Service Director Jon Jarvis earlier this year warned of such reductions in services, saying the 5 percent across-the-board cut to the agency's budget would impact visitor services, shorten hours of operation, and possibly even close areas to the public.
The congressman's 31-page report offers capsules on how parks across the country have reduced services to absorb cuts mandated by the budget sequestration.
* At Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park in Virginia, a $200,000 cut means "the park will not hire any seasonal workers and will not fill 11 vacant permanent positions, representing a 23 percent reduction in staff. The park expects additional volunteer help, but it already depends on the equivalent of 15 full-time employees (FTEs) in volunteers."
Additionally, the park that preserves Civil War battlefields has cut educational programming by 70 percent, the report notes, and the Jackson Shrine, a memorial to Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, is closed five days a week.
* At Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California, the loss of $1.3 million means 11 currently vacant permanent positions will remain unfilled, five fewer seasonal positions will be filled, restrooms will be cleaned less frequently, and Fort Point National Historic Site, a fort completed just before the Civil War to defend the San Francisco Bay, will be open six days a week during summer and just two days a week during the off-season.
* Grand Canyon National Park officials in Arizona had to cut $1.6 million from their budget, a loss of funding that means visitor center hours are being trimmed two hours per day, bathrooms are being cleaned just once a day instead of twice, and interpretive programs are being cut by a third on the South Rim and by half on the North Rim.
* The loss of more than $160,000 means Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah will have fewer rangers to conduct search-and-rescue operations.
* At Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee, the loss of nearly $1 million has forced the closure of some campgrounds this summer, 10 other campgrounds and five horse camps are opening a month later than usual, and backcountry ranger patrols are being reduced.
* At Lowell National Historical Park in Massachusetts, the loss of $414,220 has forced park officials to defer cleaning, repair, and maintenance of four museum exhibits, the number of guided trolly tours are being reduced, and a theater program that employs 10 youth from the area's recent immigrant population has been canceled.
In compiling the report, the Democratic staff of the House Natural Resources Committee interviewed superintendents or top deputies at 23 parks in the National Park System. In the report's narrative, the staff noted that "(P)ark superintendents interviewed for this report said they were directed to minimize visitor impacts to every extent possible in developing their sequester plans. However, the size of the sequester cuts and the staff reductions required to meet those cuts meant that some visitor impacts could not be avoided, especially following other cuts that parks have endured over the last several years."
"This finding refutes Republican accusations that the Obama administration made intentionally painful cuts at the national parks in order to build public opposition against the sequester," the narrative continues. "In fact, the parks profiled in this report show that closures, delayed openings, reduced visitor services, and other adverse impacts are the inevitable consequences of the budget cuts Republicans have forced."
In a press release accompanying the repor, Congressman Markey said that, “National parks are known as America’s best idea, but America’s best idea is now under attack by one of America’s worst ideas, the sequester."
"Republicans in Congress who forced these painful cuts to our national parks are looking for someone else to blame. It’s time they accept responsibility for their actions and immediately restore funding to our national parks and other vital job-creating programs by ending the sequester," he continued. "Members of Congress and past presidents of both political parties supported and nurtured our national parks for more than a century. The sequester is a betrayal of that commitment.”
Thank you traveler for posting the article on the "sequester cuts" and their effects on our Parks. As I live next to Yosemite, I see the consequences of the cuts here almost daily, it is of concern. The article documents the cuts consequences to Parks, but we must remember all the other important programs that are having serious problems, Meals on Wheels, Head Start programs, rental assistance for the very poor, embassy security, unemployment benefit cutbacks, medicare reductions, well the list can be extended to every government agency. The Congress was quick, however, to address the issue of flight delays, which of course was a real inconvenience to them as it delayed their getting back to their weekly fund raising activities. The lesson in all of this, sadly, is that flight delays should have been addressed, but unfortunately, if a budget cut doesn't impact a wealthy constituency, congress can't be bothered to fix it.
Just like your creative grammatical interpretation of the 2nd Amendment which is totally refuted by the text (sans comma) that was actually ratified and by all the contemporary discussions in the Federalist Papers and other contemporary works. But keep dancing. You and Lee make a cute couple.
And once again - even if it were a restrictive clause - it would be a lie. Republicans, one or all, didn't force anything on anybody.
LOL He is a Democrat and doing just that.
Razzle Dazzle.
Like I said, Markey is spinning as much as Boehner et al. It's as much a lie as those statements attaching the sequester and park shutdowns to Obama and the Dems. Beyond that, I'll defer to Kurt's early post.
Justin - who came up with the idea of a sequester? Hint - it wasn't the Republicans. Who turned down the opportunity to designate the cuts? Hint - he lives in the White House. Attaching the sequester - and subsequent shutdowns - to Obama and the Dems is hardly a lie.
You are kidding right? In the very paragraph being quoted.
The sequester that the same Congressional Republicans voted for? In much higher numbers than Congressional Dems? If you want to argue that this is "hardly a lie," be my guest.
Where in that paragraph?