A former superintendent of Olympic National Park has been elected president of the Friends of Olympic National Park.
David Morris has been elected to serve as president of the board of directors, and former park volunteer coordinator Ray Lovely has been elected vice president. Long-standing board members Karen Jensen and Dan Peacock are continuing in their roles as secretary and treasurer, respectively.
Two newly elected board members, Dave Colthorp and Paul Gleeson, join long-time members Rod Farlee and Jim Hoare on the board.
Mr. Colthorp, a lifelong Port Angeles resident, retired in 2010 as the park's Buildings and Campgrounds supervisor following a 33-year career at Olympic.
Mr. Gleeson, who first came to the Olympic Peninsula in the 1960s as a student working on the Ozette archeological site, retired from the position of chief of cultural resources at Olympic National Park in 2011 after a 26-year Park Service career.
Returning board members Farlee, Hoare, Jensen and Peacock together bring extensive organizational background based their many years of strong Friends leadership.
The Friends of Olympic National Park is a Washington state nonprofit corporation established in 2001 to: “support Olympic NP in preserving the park’s natural, cultural and recreational resources for the benefit of present and future generations. The Friends of Olympic National Park promotes understanding of the park’s ecological, education, economic and recreational importance and work with Olympic National Park on special projects."
Over the years the friends group has taken the lead in working with park staff in presenting the popular Perspectives lecture series, taking an active role in the annual Washington Coast Cleanup at Duc Point, organizing volunteer events and providing support and assistance to other park events and projects.
The friends group currently has 267 members. The organization publishes a newsletter and maintains a website and Facebook page for its membership and the general public.
“Our board of directors is excited to build on the excellent traditions established by our predecessors and colleagues. I’d like to find ways to energize our existing members, identify new member constituencies, and enhance community awareness of what we do," said Mr. Morris after his election. "Working with Olympic National Park staff and volunteers will continue to be the key element in carrying out our mission.”
For more information about the Friends of Olympic National Park, check out their website.
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