You can add Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument to the list of parks where you can enjoy elk bugling this fall.
This fall you can join a ranger at the monument in Colorado to learn about, listen for, and look for wild Wapiti, better known these days as elk.
Programs run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
* September 13 - 15 (5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.)
* September 20 – 22 and September 27 - 29 (5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.)
* October 4 – 6 (4:45 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.)
These programs will include a brief presentation about these magnificent animals, followed by an off trail hike of up to 2 miles during which you'll look and listen for the elk in the wild. Normal entrance fees to Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument will apply ($3 per adult, 16 and older). Annual passes to the Fossil Beds are available for $15 (good for the cardholder and 3 other adults).
Large numbers of people tend to make the elk wary and elusive, so the number of participants will be limited. Advance registration is required. In the past these programs have filled up quickly, so call early for reservations. Tables and grills are available near the visitor center for picnics before the program.
To reach Florissant Fossil Beds, travel west from Colorado Springs on US Highway 24 to the town of Florissant, then 2 miles south on Teller County #1. For more information or reservations call 719-748-3253 and ask for Jeff (ext. 161).
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