If you're heading to Arches National Park this fall or next spring, you just might run into road construction in the park.
The Central Federal Highway Administration, in cooperation with the National Park Service, will rehabilitate, restore and resurface approximately 23 miles of road and pullouts in Arches.
The project also includes: construction of turnarounds at Windows and Devils Garden loop roads; removal and replacement of railing at Courthouse Wash Bridge; drainage work near the entrance station, and construction of an additional entrance lane for pass holders and possible future shuttle bus operations.
The project will occur in two phases. The first phase is scheduled to start any day now on the Devils Garden Loop road where parking will be reconfigured and expanded and a turnaround lane constructed. It is anticipated that this work will take one to two months this winter and one to two months in the spring of 2014 to complete. The second phase will start in 2016 and will require two summer construction seasons to complete.
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