Camping season is coming to Mammoth Cave National Park. NPS photo.
Park campgrounds and picnic areas in Mammoth Cave National Park are beginning to open for the season.
The Mammoth Cave Campground, Maple Springs Group Campground, and the headquarters picnic area were scheduled to open this past Saturday. The campground and picnic area at Houchin Ferry is set to open March 14, although at this time, the ferry service at Houchin Ferry remains closed.
Sites at the Mammoth Cave Campground, near the visitor center, are available on a first-come, first-served basis March 1 - May 14 and September 16 - November 30; reservations are recommended May 15 ' September 15.
Maple Springs campsites, by reservation only, are designed for groups of up to 24 people, and four of the sites accommodate campers with horses. The reservation period for Maple Springs is March through November.
To make campground, picnic shelter, or cave tour reservations, call 877-444-6777, or go online at www.recreation.gov. Mammoth Cave Campground, Maple Springs Group Campground and the picnic shelters are closed December 1 - February 28.
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