Kudos to the Trust for the National Mall, which won an award for its World War II Memorial app from an arm of the American Advertising Federation.
The app was awarded the Silver Addy® by the DC Ad Club, a chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF).
The World War II Memorial App, which was launched in November 2013, is the first consumer-facing effort of the Trust’s 21st Century Learning Initiative. It is the first mobile app for the Memorial, and will be part of a broader effort to help today’s digitally sophisticated visitors connect with and get the most educational value out of the National Mall.
“We’re honored that the DC Ad Club recognizes the importance of our 21st Century Learning Initiative to preserve the living history of America’s most visited national park,” said Caroline Cunningham, Trust president. “We have been able to greatly enhance the ability of visitors to digitally connect with the World War II Memorial, and look forward to using technology in new and creative ways to really bring the National Mall to life for the millions of visitors who come here each year.”
The app provides details on the history of World War II and insights on the meaning behind many architectural aspects of the Memorial. It offers visitors a self-guided tour, a scavenger hunt, an infographic about the Memorial, stories representing the contributions of America’s Greatest Generation to the war effort, and a historical timeline of the conflict.
The World War II Memorial App won in the Ad Club’s mobile app category, which recognizes excellent design, content creation, and user experience. The Silver Medal Award for the campaign was made possible by a joint project with Carousel30, the official digital agency of the Trust for the National Mall.
Carousel30 coordinated with the Trust and its partners in the development of the app and the surrounding advertising campaign. Carousel30 led a team that included three other firms, including Element84, History Associates and Brightline Interactive. The app was sponsored by grants from the Altria Group and the Dr. Scholl Foundation, in conjunction with the Friends of the National World War II Memorial and the National Park Service.
The American Advertising Awards Competition is a three-tiered national competition conducted annually by the American Advertising Federation, which awards the ADDY® to its winners. It is the advertising industry's largest and most representative competition for creative excellence.
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