The Trust for the National Mall, in collaboration with the Library of Congress Veterans History Project, has added nearly 50 additional World War II veterans’ stories to the Trust’s award-winning World War II Memorial mobile app.
As the official nonprofit partner of the National Park Service dedicated to restoring and improving the National Mall and the rich history preserved on its grounds, the Trust is proud to take part in this effort to share the experiences of World War II veterans representing every state in America. The first-hand accounts of each man and woman profiled in the app includes photos and compelling tales from each veteran’s military experience.
“This compilation of stories paints a rich portrait of American service and sacrifice in World War II,” said Caroline Cunningham, president of the Trust for the National Mall. “Together with the Veterans History Project, we will ensure the experiences of America’s Greatest Generation are not forgotten.”
The collaboration is part of the Trust’s 21st Century Learning Initiative to preserve the living history of the National Mall for generations to come, and the Veteran History Project’s congressional mandate to make its collections accessible to all Americans.
“The classic architectural features, the Freedom Wall and the echoing quotes of the World War II Memorial give thought to those who visit there about the service and sacrifice of America’s WWII veterans,” said Bob Patrick, director of the Veterans History Project. “By adding their own words and personal accounts from the Veterans History Project, these veterans come to life and speak in a way that inspires the listener to gain a better understanding of the most important event of the past century.“
In addition to making accessible this new series of veterans’ profiles, the Trust’s free mobile app allows users to virtually explore the World War II Memorial, as well as to learn more about the history of World War II and how their own state contributed to the war effort. It’s designed for visitors to the memorial as well as those researching information about the memorial and World War II remotely.
The World War II Memorial app is the first of its kind developed by the Trust for the National Mall. Plans are under way to use mobile technology in other areas of the park to help tell America’s story in new and engaging ways that complement the majestic monuments that make up the National Mall.
“Initiatives like this will help to educate a whole new generation about the National Mall and what it stands for,” said Bob Vogel, superintendent of the National Mall and Memorial Parks. “We know that young people are interacting with the world in new ways and that the National Park Service needs to keep up if we are to remain relevant. This app will help us do that.”
The World War II Memorial app was made possible in partnership with The Altria Group, the Dr. Scholl Foundation, the Friends of the National WWII Memorial, and the National Park Service. As supporters of the 21st Century Learning Initiative, The Altria Group and the Dr. Scholl Foundation have contributed more than $3 million to the Trust to develop engaging and interactive education experiences both on the National Mall and online.
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