With work on the water tank at Logan Pass in Glacier National Park ongoing this summer, it wouldn't hurt for you to stash a case of bottled water or, better yet, a 5-gallon water jug along with some refillable water bottles, in your rig when you head to the pass this week.
The water system at Logan Pass will shut down late Tuesday afternoon at approximately 5 p.m. because the permanent water tank that provides drinking water on the pass needs to be rehabilitated and coated this summer and fall. During this time, two temporary tanks will be utilized to provide drinking water.
It is anticipated that a temporary system will be operating by the coming weekend. During this week, the park will provide a number of large water bottles in the Logan Pass parking area for you to fill your personal water bottles. Personal refillable water bottles are also available for purchase at the Logan Pass Visitor Center from the Glacier National Park Conservancy.
The public restroom facilities at Logan Pass will be operational.
Last week the temporary 5,000-gallon tanks were transported to Logan Pass via the Going-to-the-Sun Road, and then air-lifted to a location approximately one-half mile northwest of the visitor center. The rehab project on the permanent tank is anticipated to be completed this fall, and the temporary tanks will be removed at that time.
The main water tank that provides drinking water to Logan Pass was installed in 1964. The tank’s interior and exterior surfaces need to be sandblasted and coated. The circular tank is approximately 8 feet high and 17 feet in diameter, and has a 13,600-gallon capacity. It is also located about one-half mile from the Logan Pass Visitor Center.
Or bring a filter, and bag some fresh glaciated runoff in your camelbak! Geez...our society is nuts.
Gary in the perfect world you would be right. However due to limited parking at Logan Pass everyone is encouraged to ride the shuttles or take a red bus tour. And there is no Glacier Run off at Logan Pass. You would need to stop in the valley to access the run off creeks to filter yourw water. Plus there are no stops for filtering on shuttles or tours.
Has the snow completely melted off Mt Clemente and Oberlin? I remember climbing up to the saddle between the two and then doing a class 3 route up Oberline, and there were quite a few small and beautiful running streams of fresh water coming off that mountain. Marmots feeding off small alpine wildflowers lived all around those small streams, and it was one of the most beautiful spots I think I ever saw....anywhere.