Look close and the red of Scarlet paintbrush helps color the sunset at Cear Breaks National Monument/NPS
Mid-summer is just about here, but atop Cedar Breaks National Monument in Utah at 10,000 feet, the wildflower season is just kicking into gear. You can enjoy it July 4-19 during the monument's 10th Annual Wildflower Festival.
“During this spectacular display, visitors to the monument will be able to see paintbrush and primrose, lupine and larkspur, and a spectrum of other flowers in meadows, woods, and marshes,” said Superintendent Paul Roelandt.
Volunteers will be available to lead guided walks each festival day at 10 a.m. and 1p.m. The walks, approximately an hour in length, will focus on the latest bloomers and how they live and survive in the subalpine habitat.
On festival weekends from 10 a.m.-3 p.m, a variety of family-friendly activities will be offered in the Visitor Center area. Activities include “Wildflower Bingo,” “Pollinator Pairings,” and much more.
A wildflower photography workshop will be conducted on Saturday, July 11. A field session will be included. Participants should bring cameras and meet at the ranger station at 11:30 a.m. Sonya Smith, visual media specialist for Cedar Breaks National Monument, will conduct the workshop. On Saturday, July 18, Doug Reynolds will present “Introduction to Using a Wildflower Identification Key,” at 11:30 a.m. Participants will meet in the Visitor Center area.
Also available to assist visitors with identifying wildflowers is the “Wildflowers of Cedar Breaks” digital application (app). The app features more than 100 common wildflowers with general description information, historic and traditional uses, and fun facts about the flowers. The app is available as a free download from iTunes and Android Market.
The park will host Zion Canyon Field Institute (ZCFI) classes to round out the schedule. The classes include: “Cedar Mountain Wildflowers” on July 10, “Cedar Breaks Wildflower Photography” on July 11, and “Wildflower Journaling at Cedar Breaks” on July 11. Please contact ZCFI at 435-772-3264 for more information and to pre-register.
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