Children are natural explorers, but current trends show that youth between the age of 8 to 18 spend more time than ever indoors and less time participating in unstructured outdoor activity. Residents of Fairbanks, Alaska, can buck this trend, as they have access to many parks and wild landscapes that lend themselves to exercising and experiencing the beauty of Interior Alaska.
To assist families in enjoying the wonders of the outdoors, a free Family Friendly Outdoor Recreation Guide - Fairbanks and the Surrounding Area is now available through the Fairbanks Alaska Public Lands Information Center. The 12-page guide contains descriptions of outdoor opportunities, a pull-out map, and additional information about safely recreating on public lands close to Fairbanks.
The guide is posted on the web at this site. A limited number of printed copies are also available at the FAPLIC, located in the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center at 101 Dunkel Street in downtown Fairbanks.
The Alaska Public Lands Information Center represents multiple federal and state land management agencies and provides recreation information, trip planning assistance and resource education to the public on a wide variety of sites. For more information, please visit the center's website or call 907-459-3730. The center is open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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