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Traveler's View: Proposed Overhaul Of Land And Water Conservation Largely Ignores Conservation


Published Date

November 6, 2015

Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, chair of the House Natural Resources Committee.

Editor's note: This corrects in 9th paragraph that the draft legislation would create a "competitive urban parks and recreation matching grant program" that would be available for communities with at least 100,000 residents, and notes that 30 percent of the overall Statewide Assistance Grant Program would be available for programs in communities with at least 20,000 residents. In 14th paragraph, corrects "million" to "billion."

U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop got it wrong when he titled his overhaul of the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund the ‘‘Protecting America’s Recreation and Conservation Act," which he notes could be called the "PARC Act" for short.

Judging from its provisions -- fortunately still in draft -- it would be more accurate to title it, "Drilling The Continental Shelf And Ignoring The Federal Domain Act."

The Utah Republican made it clear in September that the status quo when it came to the LWCF was not going to stand, stating that "(A)ny reauthorization of LWCF will, among other improvements, prioritize local communities as originally intended.”

What he didn't say then, but which his draft legislation now makes clear, is that the "local communities" he wants to help have little to do with conserving the country's land and water resources as a bipartisan Congress agreed to do back in 1965 when the LWCF was first enacted.

Fifty years ago the vision was to protect watersheds, help communities create park lands, and conserve open spaces with the end goal of creating and providing "quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources as may be available and are necessary and desirable for individual active participation in such recreation and to strengthen the health and vitality of the citizens of the United States..." 

In other words, that Congress was interested in clean water, community parks, ballfields, healthy forests, and public health through recreation.

Mr. Bishop seems not to share such ambition. While he argues that over the last five decades the original intent of the LWCF was skewed, that more money was going to federal land acquisition than for state projects, he doesn't try to rebalance the funding flow as he sees it but rather would redirect a large portion of the revenues raised through fees from off-shore drilling projects to open up more off-shore drilling. 

Rep. Bishop, who chairs the House Natural Resources Committee, while agreeing to fund the program at $900 million for seven years, would:

* Creates a "competitive urban parks and recreation matching grant program" for communities of at least 100,000 residents.

Though laudable that the legislation shows interest in urban parks and recreation, that 100,000-resident benchmark would effectively prevent any city in Wyoming from competing for the funds; all but one city in Montana, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, and New Mexico; all but two in Nebraska, and; all but four in his home state of Utah. Overall, the legislation would commit 45 percent of the $900 million to stateside assistance programs, with 30 percent of that amount available to cities with at least 20,000 residents. That 20,000-resident threshhold would deny many Western towns an opportunity to benefit from the program.

* Dedicate at least 20 percent for "promoting off-shore energy exploration, innovation, and education. Part of this effort would be to "streamline" the permitting process for off-shore oil and gas exploration.

If any provision of this draft measure turns the original LWCF legislation on its head, it would be that one.

* Provide "not more than" 3.5 percent for addressing the deferred maintenance and clean-up needs on federal lands. 

Does Mr. Bishop, who notes that the outstanding needs currently total almost $20 billion, truly believe that this small percentage will make significant inroads into that debt, especially when he would require that "20 percent of those funds must be used in conjunction and matched by a non-governmental organization"?

* Provide up to 3.5 percent for federal land acquisitions, as long as the properties considered for purchase are surrounded on at least 75 percent of its borders by federal lands,  and that 33 percent of these funds are used to "secure or enhance public access on existing Federal lands for hunting, recreational fishing, or recreational shooting."

* Provide at least 15 percent of the total to support the federal PILT -- Payment in Lieu of Taxes -- program that reimburses county governments for not being able to assess taxes on federal lands.

Not surprisingly, the draft measure was condemned by the National Parks Conservation Association.

“We’re alarmed this bill will only further threaten America’s national parks," said John Garder, the group's director of budget and appropriations. "It would effectively dismantle one of America’s most successful conservation tools on the cusp of the Park System Centennial. We urge Chairman Bishop to reconsider this damaging proposal and instead give the public what it has been asking for—an intact conservation fund that will ensure the continuing protection of America’s best idea – our national parks.”

As the draft legislation still needs to go through committee action, we can only hope a measure more in keeping with the original intent of the 1965 legislation rises to the surface.

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Easy to make accuations. Much harder to back them up.  What exactly in this proposal is a "loss for conservation".  Like Lee et al, I suspect you will run from the question.

More a case of ignoring the questioner.

Comrade, this bill goes far beyond just the concerns about money and where and how and by whom it will be spent.  It has the potential for opening a whole Pandora's Box of environmental nightmares.  It's one more classic example of short sighted focusing only on short term gain for a special few without regard for consequences far into the future.

Now I invite you to prove me wrong.  And that is PROVE, not just claim or make accusations.

Comrade, you are running from the question and dodging around it.  Please provide your proof.

 Please provide your proof.

Proof of what?  That something doesn't exist?  You are making the claim it opens a Pandora's Box but you can't identify a single real issue.  You said your were concerned with the offshore drilling but $0 goes to offshore drilling.  That would seem to prove your concern is unwarranted.  

And speaking of running from questions.  You never did explain the phone fairy.  Where does the Obamaphone money come from?

From the ghost of the Reagan fairy.  Now prove that it does not.

There are many things that none of us can prove because Congress is so adept at hiding their tracks.  You can't provide definitive proof of many of your assertions, but you believe you are right based on whatever experiences or information you think you have.  Others are in the same pickle.  So circular arguments like these do nothing but clog up an otherwise great website.

I'll believe what I believe and you are free to believe whatever you want to believe -- no matter how wrong you are.  ;-}

It's a great day here.  The mountains are calling and I must go.

There are many things that none of us can prove because Congress is so adept at hiding their tracks.

Yet you continue to make the baseless accusations as you create your strawmen and fantasy goblins. The reality is you don't care about the facts or proof.  If Bishop or anyone else with an R after their name proposes it, you are against it.  The substance doesn't matter.  That's why you can't come up with any concrete objections.  In fact, your objection to the "offshore drilling" makes me believe you haven't even read the bill as there is no funding of offshore drilling.  

And no, the Obamaphones are not paid for by the ghost of the Reagan fairy.  They are paid by the taxpayers by the Universal Service Fund tax applied to their phone bill.

 You can't provide definitive proof of many of your assertions,

Name one

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