Since June, the Grand Teton National Park Foundation and the National Park Foundation have been working to raise $23 million to help the National Park Service buy one-square-mile of land owned by the state of Wyoming inside Grand Teton National Park. This video shows why that purchase is important.
Protecting Antelope Flats: Parcel Provides Critical Habitat for Grand Teton's Wildlife from GTNP Foundation on Vimeo.
The bigger question is: Why isn't the state of Wyoming donating that one square mile of land to Glacier National Park when this park brings in so many tourism dollars to the entire state?
I believe by law (maybe even by Constitution) the land must be used to provide monies to the school system. Donating wouldn't generate the funds a sale would and adding a square mile to GT probably won't signficantly change the amount of tourism dollars in the state.
LET'S express our sincere appreciation to all the DONORS to The Grand Teton National Park Foundation for their significant achievements in assisting with the costs
of this critical wildlife habitat.
Eternal Vigilance will be required to keep future
developments contained and protect critical shrinking
wildlife habitat.
Thankfully the local Cattle Ranchers
who protested the very IDEA of a Grand Teton
NP during its early J. D. Rockefeller Family Interests/Struggle
to acquire Land now have less Political Power.
"The National Park Foundation, the Jackson Hole Land Trust and the Knobloch Family Foundation each made donations of $1 million to help reach the halfway mark. According to the foundation, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell has also made the purchase a top priority. "I'm confident," Mattson said. "But $11.5 million in three and a half months is a lot of work. People love Grand Teton National Park. People care deeply about the wildlife in the park and the wildlife corridors. There are so many positive things lined up. "We're hopeful, but (raising all this money) certainly isn't magic."
It's not Glacier Nat'l Park; it's Grand Tetons... you better read the article again.....