Sixteen campfire rings that were installed on Ocean Beach last fall are ready for fires/NPS
The season for recreational fires is under way at Ocean Beach in Golden Gate National Recreation Area in California. New fire rings installed last week will welcome visitors to enjoy s’mores and sunsets on the beach once again.
The fire rings are a component of the park’s Ocean Beach Fire Program, which strives for a safe, manageable, sustainable program for fires at Ocean Beach.
Sixteen fire rings are located between stairwells 15 and 20. For groups with fewer than 25 people, the rings are available for free on a first-come, first-served basis. A permit is required for groups of 25 or more.
The National Park Service removed all the old fire rings from Ocean Beach on November 1 at the outset of a four-month seasonal prohibition on beach fires. During the no-burn season, the park conducted a thorough cleaning of the area around the fire rings.
The new fire rings will be in place every year between March 1 and October 31. The winter fire restriction coincides with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Spare the Air season, when particulate matter pollution from wood burning and other sources can reach unhealthy levels in the Bay Area.
The Ocean Beach Fire Program added four fire rings to the beach last year (bringing the total to 16 for use during the burn season). The program expanded the curfew for fires to 9:30 p.m. and established a volunteer and outreach program to help spread the word about burning responsibly.
New signage will also be posted as one tool to improve the public’s understanding and compliance with the regulations of the Ocean Beach Fire Program.
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