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Poll: Interior Secretary Considered Least Popular Cabinet Member


Published Date

September 29, 2017

A poll claims Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is the least popular member of President Trump's Cabinet/DOI

Polling numbers change frequently, but for at least a week Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is viewed as the least popular member of President Trump's Cabinet.

The POLITICO/MORNING CONSULT POLL released Wednesday had Defense Secretary James Mattis as the most popular member, with a 40 percent favorability rating from Americans, while Chief of Staff John Kelly polled 39 percent.

Secretary Zinke was at the bottom, with a 22 percent favorability rating. Thirty-four percent of those polled had no idea who he was.

The Interior secretary started the week by claiming that nearly a third of Interior Department employees (that includes the National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and several other bureaus) were disloyal to the Trump administration.

He'll end it in Denver, where he's to make a "major policy address" to the conservative Heritage Foundation concerning President Trump's "energy dominance agenda, focusing specifically on the importance of American energy production and how the federal government can be a better business partner."


according to internal investigation 

Please provide a copy of this "internal investigation" 

Research it yourself.  Articles in the Military Times and Navy Times refer to the investigation, and state thhe internal investigation was conducted by members of the Seal Team itself.  Constructive debate with a troll is a waste of time and energy.  You asked for details and I provided them.  Numerous published articles from a variety of sources make it clear to me that Secretary Zinke has a significant "History" of travel fraud.

The greatest gift Secretary of the Interior Zinke can give to the empoyees of the Department of the Interior and to the America people is his resignation. Be gone Secreatary Zinke, for all the damage you have done, be gone. You will not be missed.

Zinke is only one of many current cabinet members who are establishing new records at wasting taxpayer money with charter flights.  

ecbuck: Please provide a copy of this "internal investigation"


Since he was in DEVGRU, his reports would be classified but there were enough people ticked off that he wasn't severely punished that they talked to reporters.

Here's an article in a Montana publication from a few years ago when he was running for Congress. It includes the full text of a letter that his commanding officer wrote.
The commanding officer has stood by his letter:


So you have one guy making accusations, no charges, no finding of guilt no punishment.  I hope you guys never sit on a jury.  

Troll alert!

Just ignore him. Any attempt to reason using facts is a waste of time. Facts mean nothing when trying to discuss anything with someone who has only opinions to offer.

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