Four months after hurricanes Irma and Maria raked Virgin Islands National Park, some boat owners have yet to remove their storm anchor gear from Hurricane Hole, which didn't avoid the wrath of Hurricane Irma. If they don't remove it by the end of January, the National Park Service will do it for them.
“Given the unprecedented disruptions caused by hurricanes Irma and Maria this year, we are allowing mariners extra time to remove any gear they placed to secure their boats in Hurricane Hole,” said Virgin Islands Superintendent Darrell Echols. “We are also waiving the requirement to reattach numbered floats to the ground chain at each mooring.”
Virgin Islands National Park is still seeking boat owners who have damaged vessels in park waters to determine their plan for removal. You can contact the park at (321) 421-9686 or e-mail the staff at [email protected] if you have any questions.
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