National park friends groups are playing an increasingly important role in support their favorite parks these days. Instead of just providing "the icing" on the parks, more groups are being asked to help support operational needs, such as trail improvements. That's why you should plan to attend Washington's National Park Fund's Spring Dinner and Auction in April.
The dinner, on April 7, will mark the Fund's 25th anniversary along with the 50th anniversary of North Cascades National Park. At this year's auction, the organization will come together to celebrate these Milestones on Our Journey and ensure the state's three beloved national parks remain strong and vibrant, youthful and everlasting for many more milestones to come.
The focus for this year's Spring Dinner and Auction is supporting youth and family programs so children and families have opportunities to discover, develop a love for, and create lasting memories in Olympic, Mount Rainier, and North Cascades national parks.
There are many ways to get involved. Donate an item to the auction, become a sponsor, or serve as a table captain. If you can't make it but would like to support the Fund's youth and family programs, make a donation to the organization's Fund-A-Need!
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