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National Park Week: Three Bookmark-Worthy Resources To Help You Plan


Published Date

March 26, 2018
Time to start planning for National Park Week

While you’re beginning to daydream about warmer, longer days, the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation are preparing to help you #FindYourPark during National Park Week, April 21 through April 29. Carrying the theme “Park Stars” – which celebrates everything from starry skies to superstar volunteers – parks, programs and partners nationwide invite people everywhere to explore stories, experiences, and sites that brighten the National Park System.

“National parks are some of the best places to see stars in the world,” said Park Service Deputy Director Dan Smith. “Some illuminate the night sky and others are unique features such as panoramic vistas, otherworldly geological formations, historic artifacts and homes, and majestic wildlife. During National Park Week, enjoy a star party, junior ranger program, ranger hike, or other activity that enlightens the senses.”

“Explore the many different ways you can experience national parks, while also contributing to the parks community,” said National Park Foundation President Will Shafroth. “You can volunteer at a local park event, share a park visit with a loved one, or donate to help preserve these national treasures.”

Here are three bookmark-worthy resources to help you plan your National Park Week adventures:

  1. Your go-to resource for all things National Park Week, including an important reminder that ll parks are offering free admition on April 21. 
  2. National Park Service calendar of events. There are exciting events taking place all across the country. Admire the Lyrid meteor shower at Devils Tower National Monument, experience local traditions at Cane River Creole National Historical Park, paddle through an old-growth forest at Congaree National Park, go birding at Chiricahua National Monument, make fossil impressions at Niobrara National Scenic River, or walk a trail in Gateway National Recreation Area.
  3. National Park Foundation free park guides. Whether you're a hiker, a historican, a romantic, a family with friends, a crowd-lover, or someone seeking solitude, the National Park Foundation's FREE Owner's Guide series is jam-packed with ideas to help you plan your National Park Week adventure!

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