A cow elk protecting her calf at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park kicked a woman in the head and back/NPS file photo
A cow elk uncomfortable with a nearby woman at Yellowstone National Park reared up and kicked her several times in the head and back, forcing medical personnel to fly the woman to an Idaho hospital.
The 51-year-old woman from Las Vegas, Nevada, worked at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel. She was attacked behind the hotel by the elk Sunday. Park staff said the elk was protecting a calf bedded down about 20 feet from the woman and out of sight behind some cars. They didn't know if the woman, Charlene Triplett, saw the elk or its calf before she was attacked.
Rangers remained in the area to warn others about the elk and calf. No citation was issued.
Park staff strongly urge visitors to use caution around elk, especially during calving season. Park regulations require that you always remain at least 25 yards (23 meters) away from these animals.
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