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Change In Leadership Announced At Yellowstone Forever


Published Date

June 11, 2019

A change in leadership is coming to Yellowstone Forever, which has attracted attention recently for staff reductions and deep discounts on some of its summer field programs in Yellowstone National Park.

Heather White, who has been CEO and president of the nonprofit organization since 2016 when the old Yellowstone Foundation and Yellowstone Association merged, will step down at week's end. Succeeding her on an interim basis will be John Walda, treasurer of the board of directors of Yellowstone Forever. The moves were announced Monday by Kay Yeager, the chairman of the board.

Walda retired last year from the National Association of College and University Business Officers where he was president and CEO. White will work with Walda on a transition.

Just last week Yellowstone Forever began offering large discounts on its summer programs just weeks after reportedly laying off some staff. The discounts -- 30-40 percent off all Yellowstone Forever Institute field seminars -- were announced last Thursday, less than three weeks before the first classes are to begin. The sale on courses comes in the wake of layoffs that claimed six employees last month, according to the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. The newspaper cited unnamed employees who said the layoffs were related to internal problems with the organiziation.

“We are grateful for Heather’s leadership and her commitment to Yellowstone Forever and Yellowstone National Park,” said Yeager. “Heather has been a tireless advocate for the organization and the park, has raised tens of millions of dollars for our mission, increased our brand awareness, and has brought energy, enthusiasm, and professionalism to her role.”

White, who was paid nearly $300,000 a year when salary and other compensation were combined, said it was time to look for new challenges.

“I’ve worked for almost three years to help accomplish the merger of the two predecessor organizations of Yellowstone Forever—Yellowstone Association and Yellowstone Park Foundation—into a single foundation. I am proud that Yellowstone Forever is now reaching more people than ever before with our educational mission and digital reach," she said. "Since 2016, we have provided millions in cash grants to the park and in-kind aid. It’s now time for me to explore new adventures, and for a new leader of Yellowstone Forever.”

Walda will spend time in both the Bozeman and Gardiner, Montana, offices of Yellowstone Forever.


Heather White was a disgrace to YF.  All the letters members had to endure were ridiculous on her watch.  No wonder why she was consistently asking for donations monthly if not more.  Could not stand her and her outrageous self-fulling accolades about herself and threat work she is doing.  It made me want to discontinue me membership in YF!  She and her cronies should be held accontable for the mess she/they made.  Incredible!!!

My wife and I were members of The Yellostone Association for many years and are frequent visitors to the Park. When a letter arrived some time in 2015 announcing a merger of The Yellowstone Association and Yellowstone Park Foundation I was skeptical but because of our love of the Park we continued as members of the new Yellowstone Forever. My skepticism grew however as the fund raising letters began to arrive en masse. I finally stopped paying our membership dues but the letters continued to arrive. I now have a stack of letters that I have kept that fills a 8.5 x 11 envelope and was preparing to send them back. I then noted that a interim CEO has been put in place so I decided to do some research and lo and behold, what a mess. Can anyone tell me if there is any hope this will be straightened out. We still love the Park and want to resume our support.

As a longstanding supporter of YF, my wife and I need a fuller explanation regarding the administrative oversight of YF, including what appears to have been gross mismanagement of funds and personnel. Additionally, we need convincing evidence regarding the future management changes that will ensure the fiscal and operational health of YF. As a former director of a large international professional organization, I would be happy to serve in any capacity to revitalize YF., and for no personal compensation or benefit. I and my friends fish and camp in the park annually, and recognize that the future of Yellowstone requires the ongoing supports necessary to preserve the park for the next generation and beyond. Thank you


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