If you've wandered into The Narrows at Zion National Park, you know how it catches your breath and, while you're gazing up at the sandstone canyon walls, leaves you in awe of nature. Tom Huang, an independent filmmaker from Los Angeles, felt that when he entered The Narrows, and immediately knew what his next project would be.
"I’m looking up at these towering canyon walls and I just thought, 'You know what, I want to make a film where people see this on the screen, point to it and say, I want to go there.' So I just started writing the script when I got home. I thought to myself, why do I want people to say that and experience this?" Huang told me as we discussed his new film, Find Me. "And I think that part of it is, whenever I go to these places and see these things in person, it just really puts the world into perspective and helps me feel like the world is really a bigger place and these problems that happen in life, if you put them in perspective, you can overcome them and not feel like it has to completely take over your life.”
Too often we do feel as if life is overwhelming. Our relationships, jobs, commitments, and 21st century technology all can conspire at times to box us in. With his film, which arrived May 31, Huang tries to put all this in perspective and show us a way out of that box.
The story outline is simple. It revolves around two coworkers, one, a young woman who spends every possible opportunity traveling to national parks, and a middle-age Chinese-American accountant who is overwhelmed by work, his divorce, and his aging parents. Amelia constantly tries to get Joe to head to a national park to experience the outdoors, and he constantly comes up with reasons why he couldn't possible travel. She finally coaxes him into the parks by going on vacation and teasing him with a letter sent to his office that asks him to find her.
The ensuing story not only leads Joe to Zion, Death Valley, and Yosemite, but lets us watch the evolution of Joe from a desk-bound number cruncher to one comfortable exploring nature and realizing there is more to life than work. Along the way, the complications of relationships, family, and 'just life' crop up and are handled, and the outdoors is shown to be amazingly digestible. The film starts sluggishly, and some sections seem a bit contrived, but the themes conveyed are relevant today.
“I wanted to show people that it can be very easy to go to a national park and just go see something amazing," Huang said during our converation. "You don’t have to ride a mountain bike in the middle of the desert and fall into a canyon and cut your arm off with a pen, climb El Capitan with no ropes. You just need to drive there and just park and get out and you’ll see some amazing things.
“There’s always some sort of mental or physical obstacle that (people) think is there, and I think that for some cultures and some socio-economic areas, it’s just not on their agenda," he continued. "They think they have to buy a bunch of gear, or it’s a big deal to get out there. I hope to show people that it’s easier than they think.”
Cultural diversity in the park system also gets treatment in Find Me. Joe, of course, is Chinese-American, and there also are African-Americans and Latinos in the cast. The topic of diversity, or lack thereof, in the National Park System has long been discussed. And Hollywood hasn't always worried much about diversity in general in its productions.
"The films that I make, I do make it a point to show a part of America that I see, which is a very diverse America," explained Huang. "I live in Los Angeles. Hollywood has its issues sometimes, many times, of showing America as being more than just a white America. Just a little bit of my goal in making my films is to make as diverse a cast as possible to show that there are just Americans out there who just happen to be Chinese or happen to be Latino or whatever.
"In this case, too, with national parks, I do touch a little bit about how minorities in America feel about national parks," he added. "One of the characters, who happens to be African-American in the film, I did have her talk about how she’s an African-American who works in an area near Death Valley, and she notices that she sees more foreigners than Americans, especially Americans from her 'neighborhood,' and she just feels bummed that more people from her neighborhood can’t see Death Valley and experience it, because its affected her and helped her so much and inspired her so much."
How can the hurdles to the park system's relative lack of diversity be overcome? Often those issues revolve around the cost of getting out into nature, as well as upbringing, and whether one feels comfortable in the woods. Huang has some ideas that could help overcome some of those issues.
"There are some great programs starting up. One is Gear Forward. It’s this project, they want to get inner city kids involved and get them equipment so it’s not that much of an issue," he said. "And then there are places like REI starting to rent out equipment. They have this really cheap, used equipment. You can get a camping package for $20 or something. They’ll give you a used tent and sleeping bags you can rent out.
“Hopefully things like that will help get people out. I think to reach out to those groups, it’s a matter of find a way to get people there. And once they get there, they’ll see how great it is.”

In Find Me, Joe Lee finds himself in Death Valley in his pursuit of an office coworker.
That's a message the filmmaker would like to get across to all cultures. Visiting a national park can help you break out of life's ruts, he believes.
"I think you just need to do it. You just need to break the chain of whatever your time commitment is, because that will burn you out and get you down and I think really emotionally damage you in addition to everything else in life," Huang said. "And if you just take the time to go out and see it and disconnect yourself from all these other obligations, even for a weekend or a day, I think it does some really great things for your psyche."
Traveler footnote: Find Me can be found on Amazon.com and is coming to Google Play, Amazon Prime, and iTunes (and its ensuing iterations). Listen to more of my interview with Tom Huang on National Parks Traveler Episode 17.
Looks like a good film, but I have to say I have reservations, too. The last thing we need is more people going to Zion or Yosemite!
Yes, lets hide these wonderful places from the rest of the world and only let people like Dan Blake enjoy them.
Dear Tom, I hope you read this! THANK YOU for making this movie and exploring ALL of these important themes. Every point here resounds with me. First, you were successful with your mission. Now I want to go to all of these places and I'm planning trips.
I am a person who has feared these types of trips. I am scared of the wilderness, scared of mountain lions and snakes behind every tree and rock. Scared I'm not fit enough for these adventures. Now I see I can do this.
Despite MY lack of outdoor adventures I created a world where my kids are getting it. I am proud to be the mom of a 17 year old who is soon to be an Eagle Scout. My son has been all over the country and up to Canada. Norther Tier (The Boundary Waters), Philmont, Florida Seabase, Mt. Lassen, Death Valley and so many more. I bought all the stuff for these backpacking treks and sent him off.
I knew my son was lucky and his story was not common for kids like him -- you see we are not wealthy. In fact we've lived with a budget that was not enough even for basic necessities. He is also brown. My son is multiracial. As he started on his journey, I became painfully aware of the barriers to this sort of lifestyle. It was prohibitively expensive. Packs that cost $200. Tents that coat $300. Boots that coat $150. He leaves with a pack full of gear that probably costs $400-$600.
I also know so many minority children will not only never have the opportunity to go on these adventures -- they might not ever know these places and adventures EXIST!
It makes me sad. Very sad. I want to give every child the opportunitlies my son has had but I know the cost and the barriers MUST be removed. Access to the great outdoors MUST become equitable for all young people. My son's experiences have shaped his life in an indescribable way. It came with great financial sacrifice for our family and I had to fight to make it happen. this MUST be changed.
Thank you you for taking the first step with this movie and I hope I can help with the second step.
Hi Jennifer! This is filmmaker Tom Huang of "Find Me"... National Parks Traveller was kind enough to pass along your comments to me, and I have to say I was incredibly touched and inspired by your story, and am so glad you worked so hard to help your son experience the outdoors. I have been having many discussions about diversiry and socio-economic barriers for people and the outdoors, so your story really resonated with me on that level as well... in fact, I'm writing my next film that is touching directly with that issue. With "Find Me," we were hoping to show people that you can experience the outdoors without too much cost, but if you do want to backpack and camp and get more into it, it really is an expernsive cost that seems like an unneccesary barrier. There are great groups like Gear Forward that are trying to help get gear to kids that need it, but more needs to be done.
Thanks again for sharing and for you kind words, we are happy to hear you were also inspired by the film and hopefully with get out there yourself... I think your son would love to share the expereience with his mom who helped him get outside!
I raised 2 eagle Boy Scouts and like Jennifer we had to get help with costs. But then later we were able to give back because we wanted other kids to experience camping and nature first hand. I am going to look into Gear Forward. Sounds like a great program. Thank you for making this movie, I hope it touches and inspires a whole new generation of boy and Girl Scouts and their parents.
Tom, we just watched Find Me on Amazon Prime tonight and loved it! It is a great movie. Thank you so much for making it. We *do* wonder whether Joe got together with Helena again :) We look forward to seeing more of your films!
you have nailed it right on the head. I often say the same thing. I can't wait to watch it.
what was the whisper at the end??