A young Florida girl learned the hard way that while bison might appear docile, they can quickly charge you/NPS, Jacob W. Frank file
A 9-year-old Florida girl avoided serious injury when tossed into the air by a bison bull at Yellowstone National Park.
Park staff said the incident happened Monday afternoon after a group of roughly 50 visitors came within 5-10 feet of the bull near the Observation Point Trail not far from the Old Faithful Geyser. The bison tolerated the crowding for about 20 minutes before charging the onlookers and tossing the girl into the air, according to witnesses.
The girl's family, from Odessa, took her to the Old Faithful Lodge, where she received initial care from medical providers, and then was taken to the Old Faithful Clinic for a more thorough checkup before she was released.
Rangers were said to still be investigating the incident Tuesday.
Each year some visitors at Yellowstone approach bison too closely and are injured, some seriously, when charged. Yellowstone staff continually try to remind visitors that the park's wildlife can be dangerous and that they need to keep their distances. Park regulations say visitors should stay at least 25 yards away from bison, elk, bighorn sheep, moose, deer and coyotes, and at least 100 yards from wolves and bears.
People need to adhere to the 25 yards distance from bison, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, deer, coyottes, and even further (100 yards) from bear and wolves. A false sense of security in large groups of people is just that, FALSE. Occasionally you will happen upon these animals, and you need to do your best to keep a safe distance. Even if they appear "safe" and unconcerned in your presence. They are wild animal. Give them respect, and keep yourself and your children safe by following directions given upon entering the parks! Acciedents happen, but so many can be avoided. If you are unaware of what 25 yards looks like, walk 75 feet and check out how far that is. Follow that by 225 ft more to see how far 100 yards is. Do this before you come into close contact wtih wild animals in the park.
We were at the same area about 6 weeks ago. We obeyed the rules and stayed in the car. As a matter of fact a young black bear was so close to my side of the car that in could have touched it. I quickly rolled my window up took a photo and watch it. Soon after that we past a spot where a huge Bison was lying sunning itself. We pulled into the pull off and took a photo. Now to the point. A young woman with her INFANT got out of her car walked across the street stood 5 feet from the Bison with her back turned while a friend snapped a photo. Thank goodness the Bison didn't flinch.
My understanding is that bears (even grizzlies) tend to be intimidated by large groups of people. It's not a good idea to crowd them, even in numbers. They might get scared and try to get away by doing a hit an run.
But bison don't really care. Apparently they have poor vision and don't necessarily notice what's going on around them. At least until they get startled or suddenly notice what's perceived to be a threat. It's not surprising that this group was able get close to it, nor that it suddenly attacked. There's lots of footage of bison seemingly oblivious to people around them until they suddenly pick up that someone is there and they attack or run.
I root for the animals. It is their land. They are gracious to tolerate us at all! I blame the parents. They should be charged with child endangermen.
Blame the photographer shooting the video. She was extremly close to get that much of the bison filling the screen. Couldnt have been more than 10ft away. She spooked the bison and as it turned away the girl was in it's escape path. The parents certainly got too close as well, but they were a greater distance away than the photographer, possibly even the 25ft the park service recommends.
My son works there and we went to visit him earlier this month. There are signs everywhere and people just ignore them. Sad...
The staff in Roosevelt NP told us to use the "thumb rule" when out near buffalo. Extend your elbow all the way out stick up your thumb and if you can still see the Buffalo then you're too close. makes sense especially when they run 3x faster than we do. Don't let the bulk fool you, those babies can move!
Where is the adult here? Do people honestly think that wild animals are not going to react? Keep in mind we are in their territory and just visiting their home, where we invade their space frequently. Parents where is your responsibility in all this? Maybe the bison needs to toss you up in the air and drop you on your head to knock some sense into you!