A nonnative snail that is widespread across some parts of the United States has been discoverd in Kabetogama Lake at Voyageurs National Park in Minnesota.
Snails collected from the lake in September were recently confirmed to be Chinese Mysterysnail. These snails can outcompete native species in lakes and streams and can become a host in the life cycle of parasitic worms (trematodes) that can kill waterfowl, according to park staff.
At present, there are no viable management options for eradication of the species from a lake once established. You can find additional information on this U.S. Geological Survey site.
The presence of a newly detected aquatic invasive species in Kabetogama Lake is a reminder that compliance with aquatic invasive species laws and recommendations to clean, drain, and dry watercraft and equipment is crucial in order to avoid spreading aquatic invasive species to new water bodies. It also underscores the importance of regulations and Best Management Practices in place to minimize the threat of spreading invasive species, now found in the large lakes of the park, to the fairly pristine interior lakes.
Regulations and Best Management Practices implemented to protect the interior lakes of the park are available at this page.
You can make a difference by following aquatic invasive species regulations and Best Management Practices when you enjoy the lakes of Voyageurs National Park.
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