Aerial view of Grand Canyon Village, the primary developed area within Grand Canyon National Park/Courtesy of Aerial Filmworks
A public comment period is now open through January 6, 2020, on a draft proposal to develop a telecommunicatons plan for Grand Canyon National Park.
If approved, the plan would provide a framework and guidance for the future construction and operation of telecommunications infrastructure that could include telecommunications towers, small-cell sites and fiber optic communications cable within developed areas of Grand Canyon National Park.
Existing wireless coverage and data network capacity within developed areas of the national park "are insufficient to support the operations of the NPS and its in-park partners, which include: concession companies, non-profit organizations, tribes, a public school and medical clinic, a utility company, other local and federal law enforcement agencies, residents on the North and South Rims, and more than six million annual visitors," a park release said.
The plan evaluates the impacts of accommodating up to five additional telecommunications towers and associated infrastructure as well as the possible removal or relocation of an existing tower, installation of small-cell technology in high visitor use areas, and the combined use of microwave antennas and fiber optic communications cable to provide the necessary links between the park and the broader wireless network.
The Park Service is not proposing to directly develop telecommunications infrastructure under this plan, the release added, and the plan is not in response to a specific application from a telecommunications company to build or operate this type of infrastructure. The construction and operation of any new telecommunications infrastructure developed in accordance with this plan would require site-specific review and approval in accordance with current NPS policies.
The Telecommunication Plan and Environmental Assessment is written in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act and other applicable laws are also being conducted.
Additional information is available on the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website at: https://parkplanning.nps.gov/projectHome.cfm?projectId=70290 Interested parties can participate in the following public open house:
Monday, December 16
4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. (MST)
Shrine of the Ages Auditorium
20 S. Entrance Road
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
A webinar is also scheduled for Monday, December 9, from 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. (MST). For additional information on the webinar visit: https://parkplanning.nps.gov/meetingNotices.cfm?projectID=70290
Public comments on this planning effort will be accepted for 36 days to accommodate the holiday schedule. During this time, any individual or group can submit comments electronically through the project website which is the preferred method, at public open house events, or via mail to:
Superintendent, Grand Canyon National Park
Attn: Telecommunications Plan
P.O. Box 129
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
Comments submitted by other means, such as fax, email, Facebook or other social media posts will not be considered.
I think having a beytter telecommunications infastructure is a very important topic, as far as I know only 1 cell phone carier presently has good service nat the canyon. Many lost travelers have no way to call the ranger station or tour provider for directions back to their starting points.