Connie Martinez, a journalism student at the University of Texas El Paso, will be spending the next couple months bringing her perspectives to, and growing her skills with, National Parks Traveler.
Across the nation, many college students have seen their summer internships vanish as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
"This year has been hard for journalism students. Internships and study abroad programs have been canceled due to coronavirus and economic concerns," wrote UTEP Professor Kate Gannon in a message to Institute for Nonprofit News members. "Borderzine (UTEP's journalism website) is reaching out to INN members to find remote summer placements for up to eight students. is a student-powered website covering life on the U.S., Mexico border. Our mission is to provide experience for multicultural multimedia journalism students at UT El Paso with the goal of increasing diversity in U.S. newsrooms."
When Traveler saw that message we reached out to see how we could help. That's when Professor Gannon introduced us to Martinez, a senior at the university studying multimedia journalism. Martinez has been honing her skills in photography, podcasts, and covering stories in the El Paso area. Among her assignments was covering rallies of former 2020 presidential candidates Beto O'Rourke and Bernie Sanders.
In the coming 8-10 weeks with the Traveler Martinez will be focusing on stories involving Chamizal National Memorial, Gudalupe Mountains National Park, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, and White Sands National Monument.
Hopefully she is being paid a living wage and not working for free.
Rebecca Latson has done great work for the traveler ...
I hope she is available to work with Connie ...
I love her stuff and she is doing a trivia gig now too
I agree with Kaeleen DeVoss above.
Welcome, Ms Martinez.Kurt should provide a most excellent internship for you.
What an awesome opportunity for you to build on your acknowledge. They have selected a very dedicated and hard working person in Connie. Best of luck Connie.
YAY! Congrats mija, "echele ganas" show them what the Raza can do!!!!