Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility claims that Margaret Everson was illegally appointed to act as the National Park Service director/DOI
Margaret Everson, counselor to Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, was illegally placed in charge of the National Park Service, according to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility.
Everson was named acting director for the Park Service on August 7 when Bernhardt announced she was replacing David Vela, who had been acting director since October 2019.
"The latest maneuver to evade Senate confirmation for the National Park Service’s top official violates the law according to a newly-amended federal suit filed (Thursday) by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and Western Watersheds Project (WWP)," a press release from PEER said Thursday.
U.S. District Court Judge Tanya S. Chutkan gave the Trump administration until September 14 to file its response.
The Trump administration is already facing similar legal challenges in other agencies, including, most notably, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the Office of Surface Mining, and the Department of Homeland Security."
A PEER/WWP lawsuit filed earlier this summer to challenge the continued tenure of William Perry Pendley atop BLM had also faulted Vela’s designation at the Park Service. The group's press release said the new complaint removes Vela from the matter and charges that Everson appointment violates the Federal Vacancies Reform Act because the Park Service director is a position requiring “advice and consent” of the U.S. Senate under the Constitution, and that it may only be filled on a temporary basis by:
• A qualified official appointed directly by the President, not Secretary Bernhardt, or
• The “first assistant” to the former Director. "
Everson was not appointed by President Trump. She came to the Park Service from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where she had served as principle deputy director since November 2018.
PEER's release pointed out that Everson had never worked for the Park Service before her sudden appointment, adding that "(T)his will be the first presidential term since the Park Service was created in 1917 in which it will have no actual Director."
“To name someone to act as Park Service Director who does not even work in the Service is a real mindblower,” said PEER Senior Counsel Peter Jenkins, noting that Everson signed her introductory email to all NPS employees as “Counselor to the Secretary Exercising the Delegated Authority of the Director.”
“With the enactment of the Great American Outdoors Act the National Park Service should have even greater prominence, but it has been reduced to a secondary bureau in David Bernhardt’s back office," added Jenkins.
The Federal Vacancies Reform Act provides that actions taken by noncompliant officials are “without force or effect” and may not later be ratified. On that basis, a federal court recently invalidated actions by “acting” DHS Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli. On that same basis, the Government Accountability Office has also ruled that “acting” DHS Secretary Chad Wolf is not qualified to occupy his position.
“Trump’s repeated attempts to evade Senate confirmation create chaos and will likely spawn more lawsuits nullifying official actions by illegal appointees,” said Jenkins, pointing out the legality of any action by Everson will now be called into question. “The National Park Service desperately needs real leadership rather than just another temp.”
Guys, that was his "former idol" from back when his "former idol" was WINNING; but, now it's no longer certain that his "former idol" is still a WINNER, which means his "former idol" might turn out to be a LOSER and we all know what that means among the rightwing cultists. It's pretty much as bad as somebody asking for a "living wage" and that's grounds for immediate firing. He said as much in one of his past comments. They talk a lot about who is WINNING and who is LOSING and they don't have much patience for LOSERS.
Even if you have served them with distinction in the past and that certainly doesn't apply to his "former idol" because his "former idol" has never served anyone other than himself and certainly not with distinction anyway; but, even if his "former idol" had, rightwingers only care whether you've been contributing more to their pockets than they've been paying you in the last few minutes or so. If they have to carry you any more than that, you're toast. That is America ...at least that's pretty much what he said in one of his past comments; I kid you not. But, as I pointed out more recently, I have no way of knowing what he actually believes in; but, he is an MBA so judge for yourselves.
You're the one who asked the question, Bucky, about who was your idol. I was just trying to give you some helpful hints so you could come up with the answer all by yourself. That's as much help as I can give you. Sorry. You are getting pretty funny, though, with your statement about facts don't matter. You should try this 2 step process: drink a pint of Orange Kool Aid and then do a google search on how many lies your idol has told in the past 4 years. Even you will figure it out...maybe.
I asked the question because the charge was made I had an idol. Don't, never have and never will. But hey, continue to dance around the issue. Would PEER money be better spent going to the parks or chasing some Quixotic challange. Funny how you (plural) would rather attack the individual than actually discuss the policy.
Expecting our government to obey it's own rules is a "Quixotic challange"?
EC's straw man (PEER's priorities) is NOT "the issue", any more than his spelling is. Suing this Banana Republican administration is exactly what PEER should be doing. "The issue" of this article and many of the comments is that intentionally avoiding Congressional vetting of unqualified appointees does not "advance" park management, or help the parks - quite the opposite. THAT is the issue.
So who is actually dancing around here?
Tahoma, show us how having an acting director has hurt the parks? Do you mean by getting $6 billion in additonal funding?
when basic facts can't be agreed upon debate becomes futile and devolves into personal attacks. It does not help any independent thinkers, if there is such a thing anymore, to come down on an issue when the majority or minority abandons intelligent discussion of their position and gangs up on the opposing opinion, in personal attack dog style. And painting everyone who disagrees with u as republican or democrat without further intelligent discussion of facts doesn't persuade many independent thinkers either. if we view each other as adversaries to be crushed then the means to achieve that can always be justified. Just for the record I support a lot of your contentions along with your basic position on the NPS but your venom and personal attacks in supporting your position can only detract from it and give pause to anyone considering such