![View of Tamiami Bridge under construction looking east/NPS file View of Tamiami Bridge under construction looking east/NPS file](https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/sites/default/files/styles/panopoly_image_original/public/media/ever-tamiami-bridge-looking-eastnps_file_960.jpg?itok=Y20JfNEv)
View of Tamiami Bridge under construction looking east/NPS file
Work on improving the flow of water through Everglades National Park is scheduled to resume in November following the awarding of a contract to complete the second and final phase of the Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project, the Trump administration announced Wednesday.
The Florida Department of Transportation, in coordination with the national park, will oversee this critical project to improve water flow to one of the most over-drained wetlands within the Greater Everglades watershed. The Florida Department of Transportation awarded the contract to General Asphalt Jones Benitez Joint Venture.
The $200 million Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project represents a new approach to collaboration between federal and state agencies by merging funding and expertise to achieve important regional transportation, sustainability, and Everglades restoration goals all in one project, the administration said in a release.
"National Parks and Conservation Association celebrates this news," said Cara Capp, the association's senior Everglades program manager. "Raising the trail will be a tremendous victory for Everglades restoration and the end-result of 30 years of hard work by conservationists, local communities, and state and federal leaders.
"Florida’s waters are continually in crisis, and sending clean water south is the best way to safeguard the future of the Everglades. Awarding this contract represents a significant next step in achieving our goal for a restored, resilient, and thriving Greater Everglades ecosystem," she added. "This process is a testimony to the successful state and federal partnership in place to benefit an iconic national park, as well as the more than eight million Floridians who depend on this ecosystem for clean water."
Phase 2 of the project will focus on raising and reconstructing the remaining 6.7 miles of the eastern Tamiami Trail with features to further improve water conveyance, roadway safety, and stormwater treatment.
Phase 1 of the Next Steps Project improved water flow through the Tamiami Trail with the construction of a one-mile bridge in 2013 and 2.3-miles of bridging completed in 2019. Last year, Everglades National Park received a grant from the Federal Highway Administration to match a commitment from the state of Florida, which provided a total of $100 million funding for Phase 2.
By the completion of Phase 2 at the end of 2024, water is expected to flow more freely with fewer impediments into Everglades National Park for the first time since the early 1900s. Significantly and safely increasing water flow into the park will rehydrate more than one million acres of park lands and stabilize the salinity and health of Florida Bay, which is critical to the success of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), and to achieving a restored Everglades.
Completed in 1928, Tamiami Trail is a crucial corridor between southwest Florida and Miami, but it has long been recognized as a barrier to the flow of water into Everglades National Park. The Tamiami Trail Next Steps Project is expected to enhance the connectivity and sheet flow between the marshes north and south of the Tamiami Trail while maintaining the vital transportation link between southwest Florida and Miami.
"The granting of this award is an exciting milestone in the completion of such a critical project for Everglades restoration,” said Margaret Everson, Counselor to the Secretary, exercising the delegated authority of the National Park Service Director. "This step is a wonderful example of how collaboration and coordination with our partners sets the stage for long-term restoration efforts.”
“From day one of my administration, Everglades restoration has been a top priority and today’s announcement is another major step forward in this critical mission,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “The final phase of the Tamiami Trail Next Steps project will allow for more clean water to be sent south to revitalize Florida Bay and improve the quality of our state’s waterways. I thank the Trump Administration for their ongoing support of not only our nation’s Everglades but also our larger goal to improve and protect all of Florida’s valuable water resources.”
Humphrey's comments, made with much apparent anger, are woefully inaccurate and glad that other calmer individuals have countered with the important key points to consider in a more balanced way. (For instance, the narrative designed by the mainstream media that there was actually something else that we could have done to prevent the China pandemic beyond "flattening the curve" which was done; in fact, Trump did more than many wanted early on such as shutting down flights from China and Europe and invoking the DPA to ramp up ventilator production, deploy field military hospitals/ships, and initiate operation Warp Speed to speculatively ramp up vaccine development. This virus was going to affect us no matter what - even lockdowns only delay, do not prevent, and cost lives in many, many other ways not to mention crater the economy. Hypocrites Pelosi and de Blassio and Schumer who said Trump was "xenophobic" when doing the flight shutdowns, and instead urged people to shop and eat in Chinatown in late Feb. Even the revered Dr. Fauci said several times in late January there was nothing the U.S. should worry about.)
I would only add that people who think the Democrats are our salvation, and seem to focus disporportionately on personalities rather than policies, please keep in mind that once the Democrats are put in office (assuming a turn of the Senate with the White House), will forever change this country - towards Socialism. You will lose your freedoms and liberties in ways that you cannot begin to imagine, but look to the country of Venezuela (which we have family in) or the downfall of Califoria (whose decline we lived over 25 years) to see how quickly a rich country can be destroyed utterly and tragically with a swift removal of the middle class. Biden is a maybe once nice but now severly aging person who cannot stand up to the lunatic left that will quickly pass spending and tax bills (think the $3.5 Trillion "HEROES" act on steroids, damn the recovery), eliminate the Senate filibuster, make liberal DC and PR into states to bolster majority rule, grant citizenship to illegal aliens, pack the Supreme Court with additional justices, use climate change hysteria to exert moral control and vast corrupt policies like funding of Solyndra, re-export jobs and control of our country to China, use identity politics to divide and justify group preferences, quotas, and reparations (that never works; see "Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empiracal Study" by noted African American scholar Thomas Sowell), revoke the 1st and 2nd amendments, eliminate the electoral college, etc. etc. This is unfortunately no hyperbole, not an exageration, and why this election is the most critical since the founding of the country. No less than the USA and your freedoms and ability to pursue happiness are indeed riding on the outcome. Please set aside visceral reactions to personalities, propagandized by elites controlling most media, and think more deeply about all the underlying dynamics, and the goodness that a thriving, broad-based economy brings to all its citizens. As someone recently remarked in the Wall Street Journal, "Be smarter than your feelings," and again look beyond personalities to policies and likely outcomes.
I really don't know how to even begin to answer your attack. In spite of your arrogance, you're really not speaking as a Voice of Reason; you're just hearing voices. First, my comments certainly were made with much anger, not apparent anger, just plain anger. It angers me, of course it angers me, when republican minions continue to spew spittle in defense of indefensible criminality, corruption, and incompetence. Second, no, my comments are not woefully inaccurate; you, being just another republican minion, just want to continue living your delusion rather than see the truth. And, third, my comments are my words, recorded on this blog; I wrote them; they didn't write themselves; and they don't have any ability to be or not be glad that anyone, calmer or otherwise, countered them. They're just my words and your grammar and spelling are marginal, which seems to be a chronic problem with republicans.
As for the rest of your stuff, you can try to use stilted language all you want; but, it's still marginally literate nonsense. Are you seriously trying to defend the current administration's coronavirus response? We're one of the richest countries in the world; yet, our rates of infection, hospitalization, and death from the virus are many, many times higher than they should be as a proportion of our population compared to other countries. Those are the facts, the relevant facts, and the only facts needed to conclude that our current administration and the morally repugnant republican party that defends and backs it have screwed the pooch on pandemic response. Case closed. Your personal desires and political delusions don't matter. You can blither and blather your nonsense all you want; it doesn't matter. The facts speak for themselves.
Let's move on to the rest of your ridiculous assault. Are you actually accusing lifelong devout Catholic and former Vice President Joseph Biden of being a socialist? Are you serious? This is the guy who stopped Bernie Sanders in the primaries; this is the guy who has been accused, over and over, of being too conservative and unwilling to entertain more progressive thinking; and this is the guy who has steadfastly defended maintaining health insurance based on employment because he doesn't want to go too far on alternative approaches. That's not the profile of a socialist; but, you're so far over on the bleeding edge of the crazed right wing that you claim he's a socialist. At the same time, you're quoting Scott Atlas' buddy, Thomas Sowell, while calling other people lunatics? And I'm supposed to take you seriously? Are you kidding me? As far as I can tell, you need to get over to the nearest grocery store ...because you've run out of tin foil to repair your hat!
And, it's your emphatic assertion that an administration that includes Kamala Harris is going to go right after our "freedoms and liberties" and "revoke the 1st and 2nd amendments?" This is Kamala Harris, the attorney general who fought like hell to get foreclosed homeowners a fair deal from sleazy degenerates like Angelo Mozilo and Dick Fuld? Come off it, you ridiculous tool! Not even the Trump Campaign itself has the crust to spout that kind of nonsense. Do you even know anything about the folks you're badmouthing or are you just hallucinating this stuff?
Look, I'm truly sorry your homeland is a mess; but, Venezuela has been suffering from unchecked greed and rampant mismanagement for many, many, decades and it's not America's fault. We shouldn't be subjected to your rightwing delusions just because you lost your chance to impose them down there.
Don't get on your high horse and start telling me about the benefits of a thriving broad-based economy. I've been helping to create a thriving, broad-based economy, actually helping and not the predatory and parasitic feeding that republicans do, since before you were born. And, don't get on your high horse and tell me not to "focus disporportionately (sic) on personalities." To paraphrase Kamala Harris, I know a predator when I see one. But, you're right; your assertions are really not hyperbole and not exageration. No, they're just full up ridiculous bull!
Correct. It started in 2010 with ENP as the lead agency instead of the COE. I know because I was the project manager for Everglades NP. FDOT WAS NOT SUPPORTIVE EITHER.