Many thanks to the more than 200 individuals who "invested" in National Parks Traveler during our 2020 year-end fundraising campaign. We came within $700 of our $35,000 goal, which put us in good shape entering 2021.
Building ongoing community support for our coverage of national parks and protected areas is key to expanding that coverage. We are not backed by a large (or even a small) corporation, have no multi-year grants from foundations, and are not a government-supported operation. The bulk of our support comes in the form of $25 and $50 donations.
Our inaugural Traveler water bottle in 2020 featured a Rebecca Latson photo of Grand Teton National Park. We plan to offer another water bottle to readers and listeners this spring, with a new iconic image from the park system. What image would you like to see on the bottle?
What we are is a group of writers, photographers, and broadcasters passionate about national parks and protected areas and determined to bring their stories to you.
We don't plan to have intensive fundraising campaigns throughout the year, but hope that when you come upon a particular story or series of stories that appeal to you that you'll contribute to the cause.
Signing up for monthly donations is a great way to support Traveler a little bit at a time. Traveler is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit media organization, so your support might be tax-deductible.
Later this spring we'll be offering a new reusable Traveler water bottle. Last year's bottle, which featured a Rebecca Latson photo of Grand Teton National Park, proved popular, and we'll be coming up with another iconic image to put on this year's bottles. If you have any suggestions, here's the place to make them.
To make it easier for you to find travel-related stories on the Traveler, we've added a "Travel" page to the drop-down menu under Topics on the top menu bar. Click on it and you'll be able to more easily find stories that explore the parks or are specific to lodging news without having to navigate the daily news coverage. With 15 years' worth of travel stories, we can't promise to connect all of those dating back to 2005 to this page, but we'll try to whittle away at that task.
Jennifer Bain, our editor for Canadian parks news, has smoothly and quickly made the transition, figured out our underlying software architecture, and begun to generate a steady flow of news and features.
Maureen Littlejohn's feature on Sable Island National Park Reserve is just the first of many features we'll bring to you from Parks Canada's park system.
Features from Canada's park system in the months to come will span the continent, from Banff National Park in the south to Ivvavik National Park in the north and from coast to coast.
Traveler's vision has always been to provide regular editorial coverage from national parks and protected areas around the world, and with your support we'll steadily expand our coverage with that goal in mind.
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