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Washington Monument Tours Postponed For The Immediate Future


Published Date

January 25, 2021

The Washington Monument has been closed to the general public in a bid to slow the spread of Covid-19/NPS file

Tours of the Washington Monument have been put off for the time being as the National Park Service works to protect public health from the spread of Covid-19.

The monument closed January 11 for security reasons surrounding the 59th presidential inauguration, and the decision to keep it closed for the time being was made Saturday.

The National Park Service will monitor public health conditions in the Washington, D.C., area, as well as the opening status of other nearby visitor attractions, and reopen the Washington Monument and other indoor park facilities as soon as it deems it is safe to do so.

With the closure of the Washington Monument, all indoor attractions managed as part of National Mall and Memorial Parks, including Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument, Ford’s Theatre National Historic Site and the tour of the Old Post Office Tower, are now closed as a COVID-19 mitigation measure.

Outdoor memorials on the National Mall remain open, as do public restroom facilities. For a complete list of closures and changes to operating posture on the National Mall visit this site.

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