We'd like to send out a quick "thank-you" to those who supported National Parks Traveler with a donation last week. Formal letters of acknowledgment and Traveler gear are going into the mail this week.
Some of the heart-felt sentiment that was shared by those who made a donation was a plus.
So love and appreciate all your articles. We are lucky to have your dedication.-- Sara, North Carolina
As a refreshing voice of reason and accurate information, you are doing an outstanding job of protecting our Country's Heritage Lands! -- Rick, Colorado
Love reading your emailed articles; wanting you to continue! -- Beth, Washington
Reader and listener donations build on top of the ongoing support of our sponsors:
- Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation
- Cardo, a gloal engineering and environmental consulting firm.
- Friends of Acadia
- Grand Teton National Park Foundation
- Interior Federal Employees Credit Union
- North Cascades Institute
- Nova Scotia Tourism
- The Potrero Group
- Washington's National Park Fund
- Western National Parks Association
- Yosemite Conservancy
Individual donations, and support from the above organizations, has enabled us to put more writers to work in the parks.
Since the start of the year, we’ve brought you a wide range of stories, including one on how the declining health of the Colorado River has impacted Grand Canyon National Park, another on the reservation system implemented to better manage traffic on Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park, and one that dug into the history of Fort Laramie National Historic Site. We’ve also reported on the loss of giant sequoias at Sequoia National Park, how sea chanteys are being kept alive at San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, and looked into the carnivorous plants at Big Thicket National Preserve.
We’re currently rolling out a series of stories on how drought is impacting park units in the Southwest, and another on the threat of invasive species across the National Park System. And we’ve produced 130 podcast episodes that have attracted more than 225,00 downloads.
Without growing support from readers, listeners, and organizations that support the National Park System, the Traveler would be hard-pressed to accomplish its underlying mission, which is to educate and inform the public about the U.S. National Park System and national parks and protected areas throughout the world.
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